Zika Virus

What you need to know

There are increasing cases of Zika in the U.S. among people who have traveled to a Zika-infected area and in their sexual partners. Additionally, cases of transmission by mosquito bites, called "local transmission,'' have been confirmed in Dade County Florida. It is expected that cases transmitted in both of these manners will continue to increase in the U.S.

Prevention guidelines and information are updated frequently as researchers continue to learn more about Zika. Therefore, University Health Services asks readers to go to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Zika page, where they’ll find the most up-to-date Zika-related information such as:

  • An overview of Zika
  • How to protect yourself and others
  • Zika and pregnancy (or those at risk of pregnancy)
  • Symptoms, testing and treatment
  • Transmission and risk
  • Areas with locally-transmitted Zika
  • Mosquito control
  • Health effects and risks 

*Copied from UT Austin healthyhorns zika page.

Additional links:

Zika in Texas

WHO Zika information

North East Public Health District