Academic Coaching Program

Academic Coaching Program

School of Education

The UT Tyler School of Education Academic Coaching Program is an innovative pilot to train academic coaches and provide academic coaching for gifted and talented students enrolled in advanced coursework through the University Academy’s K-12 charter schools.

Click here to download a Letter of introduction from Dr. Bretl and FAQs about academic coaching.


Dr. Brandon Bretl, PhD
Principal Investigator

Ericka Carter
Graduate Research Assistant


The Coaches

Spring 2023 Academic Coaches Coming Soon!




How is academic coaching different than tutoring?

Academic coaches give students the skills and knowledge they need to take learning into their own hands. Academic coaches help students to identify and apply effective learning strategies so they can succeed in any learning environment and take on increasingly challenging academic goals.

Who typically uses academic coaches?

Almost all medical schools in the US have full-time academic coaches on staff. Students in high-rigor academic programs such as medicine and engineering utilize academic coaches to optimize their learning and gain a competitive advantage for the next stage of their careers, e.g., residency placement. Increasingly, high school students are using academic coaches to develop solid learning habits and gain a competitive advantage for college admissions and beyond. 

How do students meet with academic coaches?

Academic coaches post their available hours through our online scheduling system. Students can then make appointments with coaches of their choice. Currently, we are only offering coaching sessions virtually through Zoom to better accommodate the schedules of coaches and students.

What does a typical coaching session look like?

Academic coaches listen to understand your child’s unique learning needs. Coaches will ask questions related to factors known to have an impact on academic performance, e.g., sleep habits, diet and exercise, mental health, and specific study habits and time management practices. From there, academic coaches will offer advice and formulate plans to address areas of need. Coaches then hold students accountable to those plans and help them track progress toward goals.

Have other questions? 

Feel free to contact me anytime via email at or give me a call at 903.566.7390