Career Assessment

Career Assessment

Office of Career Success

Undecided Major?
Am I on the right career path?
What is my  preferred work environment?
What can I do with my major?
What are my strengths?

Career Success and Alumni Engagement offers career related assessments. Students and alumni should meet with a career coach to discuss their current needs.

For students and alumni to truly benefit from the type of information a career assessment can offer and relate their specific experiences to the assessment, all career assessment results must be reviewed with a career coach.

To schedule a career assessment:

  1. Meet with a career coach to determine which career assessment is right for you. The career coach will provide you with the login information.
  2. Take the career assessment online.
  3. Schedule an interpretation session with your career coach.

The following career assessment focuses on a variety of different areas of self discovery, such as skills, interests, values and strengths to identify occupational options and career paths.


FOCUS 2 CAREER is a self-paced, online career and education planning tool that is designed to help you make decisions about future career goals and education plans.  FOCUS 2 provides five self-assessments to help you identify your top work interests, values, skills, personality type, and leisure time interests and explore occupations and major areas of study compatible with your personal attributes. 

FOCUS 2 CAREER will guide you through a reliable career and education decision making model to help you choose a major, explore occupations, plan career development activities and make informed decisions about your career. Customized with the majors offered at the University of Texas, Tyler, your assessment results are matched to career options and majors/programs compatible with your personal attributes.

Strong Interest Inventory

Used by more than 70 percent of U.S. colleges and universities, the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment is one of the world's most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. It helps high school,  college students and alumni — as well as people in transition—make fulfilling career choices.

Before students can select a career, they first need to find the path that's right for them. The Strong Interest Inventory can help. By giving students insight into their interests, preferences and personal styles. The Strong Interest Inventory enables students and alumni to identify specific courses, jobs, internships and activities they're likely to enjoy.