Transportation - Non-Compliance Policy 

Transportation - Non-compliance Policy

Office of Financial Services

All employees are required to use the approved travel agency for airline and car rentals unless an exception has been granted from the Vice President for Business Affairs prior to travel. Noncompliance will result in the following actions:

1st Violation There will a be notification to the Vice President for Business Affairs/designee, and the appropriate dean or division head. The traveler and the travel arranger (if relevant) will receive a reminder of the violation along with the copy of the new policy. Attendance at a travel information training session will be encouraged.

2nd Violation The notification will be sent as stated in the 1st violation, adding that this is the 2nd offense. The traveler and the travel arranger (if relevant) will receive another reminder and a copy of the policy. Prior to future travel both the traveler and the travel arranger will be required to attend travel training. Before the traveler is allowed to resume travel the traveler will be required to submit a memo to the Vice President for Business Affairs/designee and appropriate dean/division head explaining why the approved agencies were not used.

Further Violations The notification will be sent to the Vice President for Business Affairs/designee and the appropriate vice president stating the number of violations. The traveler will not be reimbursed for their policy-related trip expenses; the traveler will be suspended from future travel until allowed by the Vice President for Business Affairs; and multiple infractions (3 or more) of this policy should be handled by the appropriate vice president consistent with a progressive disciplinary process.