UT Tyler Police Department

Safety Tips


  • Always tell someone where you are going and what time you expect to return.
  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • Have your keys out and ready when approaching your vehicle.
  • Make an inspection of the interior before you enter your vehicle. Once inside, lock all doors and windows.
  • Park in well-lighted areas.
  • Do not park where suspicious persons are loitering.
  • Trust and follow your instincts.

Off Campus

  • Keep doors and windows locked at all times. All exterior doors should be equipped with deadbolt locks.
  • Know whom to call in an emergency.
  • Do not open your door for anyone you do not know. If a person in uniform knocks and you did not call for assistance, contact the person's place of employment to verify the reason for the visit.
  • Use outside lighting and keep shrubbery trimmed around windows and doors.

On Campus

  • Never leave your personal property unsecured or unattended.
  • Look around and be aware of your surroundings when you enter and exit a building.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and think about how you would defend yourself. Develop a "game plan" for prevention.
  • Avoid walking alone, particularly after dark.
  • If walking alone is unavoidable, be aware of your surroundings. Walk with confidence and determination, holding your head up. Look behind and around you frequently. Avoid shortcuts. The shortest route is not always the safest route.
  • Dress for mobility, particularly after dark.
  • Carry your personal belongings in a backpack or similar container that will enable your arms and hands to be free at all times.
  • Never allow someone to predict your route of travel. Whether you are driving, biking, walking or jogging, frequently alter your route between campus and your residence.
  • Call 903.566.7300 for an escort to your car or campus residence if for any reason you fear for your safety.

On Dates

  • Know your sexual limits and communicate them clearly and firmly.
  • Avoid the use of mind-altering drugs and alcohol.
  • Listen to and respond to your instincts. They are usually correct.

Residence Halls

  • Never prop your door open, even if you will be gone for only a few minutes. Always lock doors, screens, and windows to prevent uninvited access to your room.
  • Do not go inside your residence if you return and find that the door is ajar. Immediately notify the police.
  • Do not give anyone a key to your room. If you lose your room key, report it immediately to your Residence Advisor.
  • Do not leave valuables in plain sight. Register, engrave, mark, and/or photograph all your valuables including bicycles, stereos, jewelry, vehicles, computers, etc.
  • Be aware of suspicious persons and activities. If you observe someone or something suspicious, notify the Residence Life staff and the UT Tyler Police Department.
  • Immediately report any obscene, annoying, or threatening telephone calls to the UT Tyler Police Department.