UT Tyler Procedure for Reporting Sexual Assault, Harassment, Discrimination, Mis-Conduct

Complaint Procedures

The University of Texas at Tyler

The University of Texas at Tyler has an equal opportunity complaint procedure for dealing promptly and fairly with concerns and complaints about sexual harassment. Any student or employee who feels that he or she has experienced sexual harassment, or anyone with knowledge of an incident should contact his or her supervisor, the campus equal opportunity officer (if the alleged harasser is an employee) or student judicial officer (if the alleged harasser is a student) as soon as possible after the incident.

Complaints are handled as confidentially as possible to protect the rights of both the complainant and the person accused. Retaliation against anyone who makes a complaint or participates in a complaint process is not tolerated. The equal opportunity officer or student conduct officer discusses official grievance for resolving the problem. The goal of the process is to seek a resolution acceptable to everyone involved.

When the person accused is an employee, student or person from outside the university, the investigation coordinator conducts the investigation. An appropriate administrator then decides based on the evidence whether the complaint has been substantiated and what corrective action will be taken. If the charges of sexual harassment are substantiated, severe discipline may result up to and including termination for an employee or dismissal for a student.

Report an Incident or File a Complaint

There are two types of complaint resolution processes available to students, faculty, staff and visitors to UT Tyler who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment:

Informal Resolution

This resolution process is much like a consultation in that the individual's specific issues are discussed. Informal resolution options include, but are not limited to: helping the complainant communicate directly with the alleged offender; working with the appropriate department/unit to modify the situation in which the offending conduct occurred; attending a meeting with the alleged offender and appropriate administrator to discuss university policy; or mediation. Informal resolution means that no formal investigation occurs and disciplinary action is not required to remedy the situation.

Formal Resolution

The university formally will resolve complaints that allege severe misconduct or a pattern of persistence misconduct. Formal resolution involves the submission of a written complaint, a formal investigation into the facts alleged in the complaint and the possibility of the imposition of disciplinary action on the alleged offender.

Complaint Initiation of Formal Resolution
A formal resolution process is initiated when the university determines that one is warranted and the complainant submits a written and signed statement to the Title IX Coordinators that describes in detail the facts upon which the complaint is based.

Formal Investigation of Complaint
A Title IX Investigator shall formally investigate the complaint made pursuant to this process. The investigation shall include providing the alleged offender with a copy of the complaints and the opportunity to respond to it in writing within a reasonable amount of time; interviewing the complainant and the alleged offender and any witnesses who have relevant information concerning the complaint; and gathering and examining documents relevant to the complaint.

For more information please refer to Student Rights and Responsibilities Section 5.5.2, Conduct and Discipline.