PASS Tutoring Resources

UT Tyler PASS Tutoring Center
  • Located in LIB 401
The Writing Center
  • Located in CAS 202
The Mathematics Learning Center
  • Located RBN 4021
Supplemental Instruction Program
  • Coordinator office: LIB 425A
Student Counseling Center
  • Located in UC 3170


What if my course is not supported by the PASS Tutoring Center?

If there is a course that you would like to be supported by the PASS Tutoring Center in the future, there are three steps to take:

1. Check to see if your course is supported by any other academic programs on campus, such as the SI Program, the Math Learning Center, or the Writing Center.

2. Try Upswing, our third party online tutoring service. It is free for our UT Tyler students to use, they have tutors for almost all undergraduate courses offered at UT Tyler, and they have tutors available almost 24/7.

3. Talk with your instructor! Share with your instructor that you feel tutoring would be beneficial to your academic experience in their course. Encourage your faculty member to contact the PASS Tutoring Center Program Coordinator to discuss support options.

4. Contact the PASS Tutoring Center Program Coordinator at Please send an email that includes information about the course you are requesting and a brief explanation of why you feel tutoring support would be beneficial for that course.