Supplemental Instruction - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Supplemental Instruction

What is SI?

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is:
A series of weekly peer-assisted study sessions (led by an SI Leader) in courses identified as “difficult" by previous students.

Designed to help improve study skills with the goal of improving grades ½ to 1 whole grade point.

Voluntary for students who want to improve understanding of course material and content.

A collaborative effort among classmates to . . .

  1. Compare notes;
  2. Discuss important concepts;
  3. Develop strategies to study the subject; and
  4. Test yourselves before the instructor does. When they do test you, you’ll be ready!

What's an SI Leader?

Have you ever said, “If I knew then what I know now?” Or have you ever wished for a “do over”—repeating an experience from the past with the advantage of being armed with the information you have now?

These are impossible situations, but you can come close in SI with an SI Leader who:

Has taken the course before and done well.
Is a student and is prepared to share with you “what to learn” and “how to learn” in the course.
Will attend class everyday, hearing what you hear and reading what you read.

When do SI sessions start?

SI sessions should begin no later than the second week of classes. SI Leaders will hold one to two sessions per week depending on their availability.

What's in it for me?

With regular attendance, chances are good that you'll earn a better grade! You'll have developed a better understanding of course content as well as more effective ways of studying. This will help you in all your classes!

What can be expected in an SI session?

SI Leader will enforce main concepts from the lecture, share problem-solving techniques, provide test reviews, and give practice tests/quizzes before the actual test.
You can attend as many sessions as you like. Each session will be different as they follow the instructor’s lectures.

Sessions are informal—just bring your notes, textbooks, and questions.

SI is NOT:

  • Remedial
  • Re-lecturing
  • Copies of the notes

What if my course is not supported by SI?

If there is a course that you would like to be supported by SI in the future, there are three steps to take:

1. Check to see if your course is supported by any other academic programs on campus, such as PASS Tutoring, the Math Learning Center, the Writing Center, or Upswing.

2. Talk with your instructor! Share with your instructor that you feel SI would be beneficial to your academic experience in their course. Encourage your faculty member to contact the SI Program Coordinator to discuss support options.

3. Contact the SI Program Coordinator at Please send an email that includes information about the course you are requesting and a brief explanation of why you feel SI support would be beneficial for that course. 


Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a non-remedial academic support program that focuses on collaboration, group study, and student to student interaction to support students in one specific course the entire semester. The goal of SI Leaders is to facilitate a collaborative learning environment through group work and interactive activities that reinforce concepts students learned with the professors. The SI sessions are voluntary, and they are regularly scheduled outside of class. 

  Supplemental Instruction (SI) Tutoring 
What is it?  Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a non-remedial academic support that focuses on collaboration, group study, and interaction to assist students in one specific course the entire semester.  Tutoring- help students help themselves, or to assist/guide them to the point at which they become an independent learner, and thus no longer need a tutor. 
Who is it?  SI Leaders are model students and are working towards a college degree like you. 
SI Leaders do not know all the answers, do not teach content (new or old), and will always refer students to instructors and other resources. SI Leaders are “peers” and can relate to students on their level of learning because they are also students. They have taken the class before and have done well. 
Student Tutors are model students and are working towards a college degree like you. 
Tutors do not know all the answers, do not teach content (new or old), and will also refer students to instructors and other resources. 
How does it work?  SI Leaders encourage group participation and collaborative learning. They review material students have already learned in classes and labs and use collaborative learning techniques to get the students working together to retain information.  Tutors usually work one-on-one with students to review 1-2 concepts or questions. 
They engage in a dialogue so students can get clarity on specific questions or problems they are working on and come ready with questions for their tutor.
What is the relationship to the students they help?  SI Leaders are “peers” and can relate to students on their level of learning because they are also students. They have taken the class before and have done well.  Tutors are typically seen as “peers” and can relate to students on their level of learning. They have taken the classes they support and have done well in those classes. 
What is the overall goal?  SI Leaders are oriented towards creating a collaborative learning environment through group work and engaging activities that reinforce concepts students learned with the professors. They break down concepts into smaller parts and emphasize cause and effect relationships.   Tutors are oriented towards serving students’ immediate needs on particular questions. They equip students with skills so that they can answer their own questions without the help of a tutor. 
Keywords to Remember  Peers 
collaborative learning environment 
group facilitation 
reinforce content and break down concepts 
answering questions 
reinforce content