Riter Bell Tower

Research Administration

The University of Texas at Tyler

The Department of Research Administration facilitates, enhances and strengthens faculty and student research and scholarship by providing pre-award and post-award services.  The OSP staff assist faculty and staff in achieving their research goals by helping them navigate the increasingly complex and competitive world of external funding sources. They provide expert guidance and support across the funding life cycle including identifying sources of funding, assisting with proposal development, negotiating contracts, setting up and monitoring budgets and expenditures, and ensuring compliance with federal, state, and university regulations and policies.

Faculty, staff, and students on the main campus who would like to seek external funding should contact the OSP by calling 903.565.5858 or emailing research@uttyler.edu.  Faculty, staff, and students on the Health Science Center campus should contact the OSP by calling 903.877.7392 or emailing grants@uthct.edu. OSP staff are located on the main campus and the Health Science Center. Questions relating to Research Compliance should be directed to Associate Vice President for Research and Research Compliance Officer Dr. Anna Kurdowska at Anna.Kurdowska@uthct.edu.

External Funding

The Department of Research Administration and the Office of University Advancement are responsible for submitting proposals and applications for external funding opportunities on behalf of faculty, staff, and students on both campuses.  OSP submits grant proposals to extramural sponsors while the Office of Advancement submits proposals to donors. All proposals for external funding must be approved by one of these offices prior to submission to a funding agency or organization even if the proposal/application or sponsor does not require a signature from an authorized representative of the university.

In addition to providing individual support for faculty and staff seeking external support for their research and scholarship activities, the OSP offers workshops, links to resources, and software tools to help faculty, staff, and students with developing proposals and managing grants.  

  • Professional development workshops are offered to support proposal development and grant management. PDF files of presentations and videos (when available) of past workshops can be found on the Faculty Development Workshop page.
  • The OSP Research Design & Data Analysis Lab supports research by providing students, faculty, and staff with expert guidance in developing research designs and methods and conducting data analysis that are based on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method approaches. Workshops and consultations are provided by the lab’s consultants and staff.
  • The OSP subscribes to  Pivot, an online tool to find sponsored funding opportunities that is available to faculty, staff, and students on the main campus. Users can track funding opportunities and save search results.
  • Research Month (April) offer faculty, staff, and students with opportunities to present their research and scholarly activities.

The latest news from the OSP including recent faculty funding awards can be found on the Research Insider page.