Canvas at UT Tyler


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The Online Instructor Handbook is a great resource for online pedagogical principles, along with UT Tyler’s specific practices and policies. This handbook, available for download as a PDF, is a valuable reference that you can utilize throughout your time at UT Tyler to enhance your online teaching experience. It’s designed to help you navigate the digital teaching landscape and be a quick reference for setting up and maintaining your online course.

Canvas Commons is a learning resource repository where you can be a finder, importer or sharer of knowledge. Try it out and see what you can discover, and then add your wisdom to share with the community. UT Tyler has our own Canvas Commons areas specifically for the university or each college/department to share resources!

SpeedGrader is your feedback assistance tool for highlighting, freehand drawing, adding text, inserting audio feedback, etc. Faculty can utilize their SpeedGrader to annotate submitted assignments, and the best part is faculty can do this anywhere on any device!

Outcomes-based education is a component of the Canvas learning management system enhancing faculty effort to define and connect coursework with program expectations. Faculty in entire programs can connect with outcomes and rubrics to support student success.

Notifications for course updates (calendar, assignments, discussions, etc.) can be turned on based on individual’s preferences. Notifications can be pushed out to recipients through text, email or with social media!

There’s more! Check out the rest of the most highlighted Canvas Features:

Automated Tasks, Integrated Media Recorder, Ease of Use, IOS and Android, Analytics Reporting Engine, Profiles, Browser Support, LTI Integrations, Multimedia Integrations, Collaborative Workspaces…


Canvas Roles 

Below you will find the roles available within Canvas and their corresponding permissions.

If you would like to add a TA or other role to your course, please email your request to

Canvas Permissions Student Teacher/Co-Teacher TA* Librarian Peer Reviewer Tutor
Announcements - View            
Conversations - Send messages to entire class            
Conversations - Send messages to individual students            
Discussions - Post            
Grades - View All Grades            
Groups - View All Student Groups            
Manage Assignments and Quizzes            
Manage Course Content            
Manage Course Files            
Manage Pages            
User - View List            

* TA will only be added into Canvas course if hired as a Graduate Teaching Assistance or a Doctoral Teaching Assistant.

The Canvas Experience

Canvas User Videos

See how Canvas is changing the face of education one institution at a time.

Find out who’s using Canvas, why they love Canvas, what they do with Canvas, how Canvas enhances their classroom, how they chose Canvas in the first place, and a whole lot more.

Check out their stories

Professional Development

  • Canvas Commercial

    Canvas Video Graphic

    Watch Video
  • Canvas101

    Begin learning about Canvas through this initial training. Participants will learn in-depth how to navigate and use the basic features Canvas offers. 

    Learn More


Related links

Student Using Canvas

Like Research, Infographics and Statistics? 

Dig in deeper with some great resources from Canvas. 

Research and Education