Marketing & Communications Styleguide
Contact Us
Marketing and Communications3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7170
Fx: 903.566.7173
Marketing and Communications Policies
UT Tyler Style Guidelines
Below are some basic guidelines for style so that we can maintain consistency campuswide. Please contact Beverley Golden, Ext. 7303, with any questions.
University Name
The full name of the university should be used on first reference. The abbreviated name can be used on all subsequent references.
The name must include the word ‘The’ and the ‘T’ must be capitalized.
Example: The University of Texas at Tyler
• University of Texas at Tyler
• University of Texas, Tyler
• University of Texas in Tyler
• University of Texas – Tyler
• the University of Texas at Tyler
Abbreviated University Name
The correct abbreviation for the campus is always UT Tyler.
**Please never use UT, which is the abbreviation for the Austin campus.**
The abbreviation may include periods after the ‘U’ and ‘T’ on more formal communication, but most often it is written without the periods and is not hyphenated.
Incorrect abbreviations:
• UT-Tyler
• UT
• UT at Tyler
• UTT *
* UT System uses this abbreviation because if fits with their style of abbreviating all campuses with three letters, certain media use it in headlines because it fits within the limited space. Nevertheless, the campus does not use this abbreviation.
Department/Program References
First references for departments and programs should use the full name such as the Office of News and Information, not News and Information office.
Phone listings
The UT Tyler style for listing phone numbers is as follows:
Please do not use dashes (not: 903-566-7303)
The UT Tyler style for listing dates uses natural numbers, not ordinal numbers.
July 16
July 16th
The official name is myUTTyler student information system.
We have also been made aware that some are referring to it as MUTT. Just as it is our policy never to refer to the university as UTT, we ask that you never use MUTT in reference to the student information system.
Contact Us
Marketing and Communications3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7170
Fx: 903.566.7173