Standard Computing Devices

Technology Support

IT PURCHASES: The Management Responsibilities Handbook states: All IT related purchases need to be reviewed by IT before the purchase is made or the PO is created.

After the PO has been sent to the vendor, shipping time for our standard computers can be approximately three weeks before they are delivered to our receiving department. Computers requiring changes in the specifications may take three to four weeks to have them delivered to our receiving department.

Once delivered they must be imaged. The imaging process can take from one to two weeks if we have a backlog. After the PO has been sent to the vendor, please anticipate an average of four weeks before you can take procession of any new computers. Changes to the standard specification, or a backlog, can add to the standard delivery time to the department.


The Procurement Services team, in cooperation with Technology Support, has added Summus Industries / Dell as the new eSHOP punchout catalog for purchasing many of the pre-approved Dell Standard Computing Devices. These devices include Dell desktop computers and laptops with accessories.

Please follow the link below for more information on UT Share eSHOP.   You can access the eShop by clinking the link under UT Share eShop on the procurement services webpage.

The link below will provide more information regarding all IT Related Purchases for University Use.

If you need further help with this, please contact IT Support at