Mass Communication Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Program

Mass Communication BA / BS Degree

The University of Texas at Tyler Catalog offering undergraduate degrees in two areas:

Official 4-Year degree plans for Mass Communication
Bachelor of Arts (BA/BS) in Mass Communication

PR Integrated Communication
Multimedia Journalism

Official 4-Year Degree Plans for Speech Communication:
Bachelor of Arts (BA) and (BS) in Speech Communication (Options)

General Speech Major

**Remember: Minimum total semester credit hours for earning a BA or BS in Speech Communication
= 120 hours

The UT Tyler Department of Communication offers the BA/BS in mass communication degree and courses leading to a mass communication minor or teacher certification.

UT Tyler mass communication majors can choose a specialization in multimedia news or public relations-integrated communication.

The mass communication BA degree requires 120 total semester credit hours, including 36 hours in mass communication, 24 of which must be upper-division; 18 hours in a minor; and four semesters of a foreign language.

For the mass communication BS degree, instead of the foreign language requirement, students must take 6 hours of mathematics, science, economics, geography and/or computer science in addition to those otherwise counted in the core curriculum.

The mass communication minor requires 18 hours of courses in the subject, 12 of which must be upper-division.

We also offer two additional minors in Sports Communication and Graphic Design. 

Students seeking teacher certification in mass communication for Texas secondary schools must meet additional requirements that vary according to whether mass communication is their first or second teaching field.