Book Club Series

Book Club Series

The Graduate School


Hosted by The Graduate School and The Graduate Student Association, book clubs are a great way to meet other students, learn practical life lessons, and continue growing as a scholar. Participants in the Graduate School Book Club Series will have the opportunity to:

  • Network with fellow graduate and professional students.
  • Engage in dialogue about academic and professional growth.
  • Develop leadership and professional communication skills.

Fall 2023 Book Selection

“The Writing Workshop: Write More, Write Better, Be Happier in Academia” by Barbara W. Sarnecka

Writing Workshop Book Cover ImageJoin us to read and discuss “The Writing Workshop: Write More, Write Better, Be Happier in Academia” by Barbara Sarnecka. Research is all about writing, but most Ph.D. programs don’t teach students how to produce the writing needed to get a Ph.D., publish research, or win fellowships and grants. “The Writing Workshop,” tells you everything you need to know about forming and running a successful writing group and provides invaluable tips on how to become better at and more comfortable with academic writing. The book is available to all in a free format. Access or download a free copy.  (2019, Sarnecka)