UT Tyler Honors College

Honors Curriculum

UT Tyler Honors College

The curriculum of the UT Tyler University Honors College is carefully shaped to ensure that classes never exceed 24 students. Instructors are UT Tyler faculty selected on the basis of their demonstrated teaching excellence. All faculty are scholars active in their disciplines.

The Honors College curriculum is divided into three parts: the Honors core, contract courses/Honors in the Major, and the Honors project. Below are brief descriptions of each of the parts that comprise the Honors curriculum:

  • Honors core classes satisfy certain core requirements for the university core and are taken during a student's first and second year. These classes are typically team-taught and interdisciplinary in scope.
  • Contract courses involve a student working with faculty to do additional work in upper-division classes within the student's major. An Honors student must complete two contract courses.
  • The Honors Senior Project is the culmination of a student's experience in the Honors College. It involves completing individual scholarship and submitting that work to an undergraduate research journal or to an academic conference. The submission of the work can include, but is not limited to, a poster presentation or paper.

For a more detailed description of these curricular components, please see the specific pages under "Curriculum" on the side navigation.