Nuventive Improve Analytics

Nuventive Improve Analytics

Office of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness

Nuventive Improve Analytics (previously TracDat) assessment software helps organize, document, and report assessment data for all UT Tyler academic programs and administrative/academic student support units. Nuventive supports data-informed planning, program review, and external reporting for accreditation and other stakeholders.

Click the link below to log in. You should be able to sign in using your Single Sign-On Credentials. If you have any issues viewing your assessment plan or need access granted, please email

Nuventive Improve Analytics Login

Nuventive User Tutorials

Video step-by-step walkthroughs are below as well as playlists combining all videos. The Annual Updates PDF Guide is also available.

Assessment Software Navigation Walkthrough

Program Landing Page Overview

Annual Updates Step One:

Adding Results for Academic Units

Adding Results for Administrative and Academic/Student Support Units

Annual Updates Step Two:

Adding Action Plans and Closing the Loop

Annual Updates Step Three:

Uploading and Relating Documents

Viewing and Downloading Reports

Playlists of all videos:

Playlist for Updating Academic Units 

Playlist for Updating Administrative and Academic/Student Support Units