David Criswell

David Criswell, Ph.D., FACSM

Professor and Chair

Phone: 903.566.7178
Email: dcriswell@uttyler.edu

Health and Kinesiology

David Criswell, PhD, FACSM

David Criswell, Ph.D., FACSM

Title: Professor and Chair
Department: Health and Kinesiology
Building: HPC 3065
Email: dcriswell@uttyler.edu
Phone: 903.566.7178


  • University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
    • Ph.D. Health & Human Performance (Exercise Physiology), 1994
    • M.S. Exercise Science, 1990
  • University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
    • B.S. Biology, 1988

See Curriculum Vitae