The Graduate School

Thesis and Dissertation Center

For Students

Theses and dissertations are original research projects conducted by graduate students where the student is the primary researcher and has a commitee of graduate research faculty to support them while engaged in the thesis/dissertation work. Their committee chair serves as their mentor. While the form of research varies by discipline, all theses and dissertations should be representative of the rigor and values of their academic discipline. Students present and defend their research in a public forum. 

Below is a diagram showing the general process of completing a dissertation. Thesis students follow a similar process but may not be required to complete the candidacy stage. Thesis students should check with their academic program regarding this step. 

Dissertation Process

Step-by-step guide to the thesis process for students.

Step-by-step guide to the dissertation process for students.

Research and Writing

As a graduate student, one of the more intimidating steps to completing your degree is the thesis or dissertation. Not only must you develop an idea for an original research question/project, but you must also have a good understanding of research and writing expectations. The following UT Tyler resources may be helpful to you in this process.

Department of Research Administration                Research Design & Data Analysis Lab

UT Tyler Writing Center                           Robert R. Muntz Library

Check with your program to determine whether they have specific resources to help you in your thesis or dissertation journey. While The Graduate School can suggest general resources, your commitee chair and other faculty/research mentors will have the most appropriate information for your academic discipline. 

Click here for a list of resources on thesis/dissertation writing. 

Research Ethics and Compliance 

UT Tyler Honor Code

Maintaining ethics in your research is essential not only for you, as the student and researcher, but for the subject(s) researched and for the integrity of your chosen discipline and profession. This is especially true when working with human or animal subjects. Issues of informed consent, voluntary participation, research protocols, and the like must be considered during each stage of the research process.

The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research developed out of the National Research Act (1974) contains important information for research using human subjects. 

Federal regulations and University policy require that all investigations using animal or human beings as subjects of research be reviewed and approved by the appropriately constituted committees before such investigations may begin. These committees include the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for research using human subjects, and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for research involving animals. 

Data cannot be collected for any thesis/dissertation based on the use of animals or human beings as subjects without prior review and approval in accordance with university procedures. Even if you believe your research may be "exempt", the proposed research must still be reviewed prior to initiating collection of data. More information can be found online at the Department of Research Administration

Finalizing Your Manuscript

The responsibility for editing and formatting theses and dissertations resides solely with the student. The Graduate School conducts a mechanical check but does not perform a full editorial review. Students are welcome to use a professional formatting service for their manuscript. 

  • You must submit your manuscript in Word format (not PDF) for your format review. After your manuscript has received final formatting approval you will submit your final manuscript in PDF form to the University’s Institutional Repository. Mathematics students may submit PDF manuscripts.
  • You must indicate which citation style you are using when you submit your manuscript for review. The Graduate School does not prescribe any single citation style as formats differ across disciplines. Select a style manual or journal format established by your department or committee and consistently follow that style throughout the manuscript except where the UT Tyler guidelines state otherwise. 
  • You must include the reviewer's embedded comments when you submit your revisions. 

While The Graduate School strongly encourages publication of research results, students are reminded that preparation of a thesis/dissertation and preparation of a manuscript for publication are two separate operations. Certain mechanical stipulations for submitting manuscript copy to a publisher may differ from those specified by The Graduate School and may not be acceptable.

Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Guidelines (and Sample Pages)

  • Please check our list of Common Errors before submitting your manuscript for format review.

Electronic Manuscript Submission

All UT Tyler graduate students are required to submit an electronic copy of their thesis/dissertation to the University’s Institutional Repository (Scholar Works). Know your rights! Please review our Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Submission Sheet for Rights Management and Access information.

With electronic thesis submission, we no longer require students to submit bound thesis copies for the library; however, if you or your department would like to have bound copies, contact UT Tyler Patriot Printing for pricing.

If at any time you have a question regarding these policies and procedures, contact The Graduate School at