Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

AI Information

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a significant force, impacting various aspects of our lives, including education. As educators, it's natural to have questions and concerns about AI's role in the classroom. This guide aims to provide you with insights into AI, its benefits for both educators and students, and how it can be utilized for a better educational experience.

Defining Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. AI encompasses a broad range of technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. These technologies allow machines to analyze data, recognize patterns, make decisions, and even interact with humans in ways that mimic human cognition.

Want more information or ideas on how to use AI for teaching?

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Using AI as an Instructor

UT Tyler AI Syllabus Language

All UT Tyler faculty must specify the extent to which students are permitted to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools in their courses. Please include the provided Artificial Intelligence Syllabus language.


Artificial Intelligence is a tool, not a replacement. As an instructor, AI can enhance your teaching methods and streamline monotonous tasks, but it cannot replicate the human qualities that make you, and your presence in the classroom, unique.

As an instructor, you might use AI to help you with:

  • Content Creation: AI can assist instructors in creating course materials, presentations, and even generating discussion topics based on the syllabus, objectives and current events in the field.
  • Time Management: AI-powered scheduling tools can assist instructors in managing their teaching schedules, office hours, and meetings, allowing them to allocate more time to teaching and mentoring.
  • Data-Driven Insights: AI can provide valuable insights into students' performance trends, enabling you to make informed decisions about curriculum adjustments, teaching strategies and identify areas where students might be struggling.
  • Innovative Teaching Tools: AI-driven simulations, virtual laboratories, and interactive content can make complex topics more engaging and accessible to students.
  • Automatic Transcription: AI can transcribe lectures and discussions, making it easier for students to review class materials and helping instructors create accessible content.
  • Feedback Generation: AI can provide automated feedback on assignments, highlighting areas where students excel and areas that need improvement. Instructors can then focus on providing more in-depth feedback on complex aspects.

For more specific information about allowed and prohibited AI usage at UT Tyler, download our AI Guide.

Using AI as a Student

Students can utilize AI to improve their learning, quickly analyze information, and enhance their understanding of challenging subjects.

As an student, you might use AI to help you with:

  • Research Assistance: AI-powered search engines and databases can help students find relevant and credible sources for their research projects, saving time and improving the quality of their work.
  • Study Support: AI-driven study apps can generate flashcards, quizzes, and summaries, aiding in better comprehension and retention of course material. AI-powered note-taking tools can convert spoken words into text, categorize notes, and even generate summaries. These tools can help students stay organized and focus on the most important information.
  • Language Learning: AI language tools can aid international students in improving their language skills and help with translation tasks. Students can use AI to provide real-time feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary usage, making language acquisition more interactive and effective.
  • Time Management: AI planners and scheduling apps can assist students in managing their time effectively, ensuring a balance between coursework, extracurricular activities, and personal life.
  • Accessibility: AI can provide text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities, benefiting students with disabilities and ensuring equal access to educational resources. AI transcription tools can convert lecture recordings into text, making it easier to review and reference. AI translation tools can also aid students in understanding foreign language content.
  • Automated Writing Assistance: AI can assist in drafting essays, reports, and research papers by suggesting improvements in grammar, style, and structure.
  • Coding and Data Analysis: Students in technical fields can use AI-powered tools to practice coding, perform data analysis, and gain hands-on experience in real-world scenarios.

For more specific information about allowed and prohibited AI usage at UT Tyler, download our AI Guide.

AI and Academic Integrity

While AI offers numerous advantages, it also raises concerns, particularly in relation to plagiarism. It's essential for both educators and students to understand and address these concerns:

  • Awareness: Educate students about the ethical implications of plagiarism and the importance of originality in academic work.
  • Citation and Referencing: Teach proper citation methods to ensure students give credit to the original authors of the information they use in their assignments.
  • Plagiarism Detection Tools: Implement plagiarism detection software to identify instances of copied content and provide students with an opportunity to correct their work before submission.
  • Critical Thinking: Encourage critical thinking and analytical skills, emphasizing the value of synthesizing information from various sources rather than copying and pasting.
  • Feedback and Guidance: Provide constructive feedback on assignments to guide students in improving their research and writing skills.

By fostering a culture of academic integrity and responsible AI usage, both educators and students can work together to mitigate the risks associated with AI plagiarism.


Bing Copilot

  • Microsoft Bing Copilot is available for use by UT Tyler faculty and staff. 
  • Unlike many other AI tools, it offers data security within your UT Tyler account.

For a guide on signing in to Bing Copilot using your UT Tyler credentials, view our Bing Copilot Sign-In Tutorial.



  • OpenAi has developed a preliminary resource on the use of ChatGPT for educators, available here

*Please note:

i. Users should not enter any Confidential or Controlled university data in it.

ii. Users should not violate any policies, including the UT Tyler Information Resources Acceptable Use Policy and the specific policies of each AI tool, such as OpenAI usage policy

iii. For questions regarding the appropriate use of Microsoft Bing Chat Enterprise, Azure Open AI, ChatGPT and other AI Tools, please contact the Information Security Office at