Faculty services

Proposal Review and Submittal

Office of Research, Scholarship, and Sponsored Programs

The Office of Research, Scholarship, and Sponsored Programs (ORSSP) offers proposal review and editing services for faculty and staff submitting proposals to external funding agencies. Faculty are encouraged to notify the ORSSP office early in the process when seeking an external funding opportunity. 

Pre-award staff can help faculty and staff search for relevant funding opportunities and with proposal development.  They can also develop a proposal checklist and provide or develop agency-specific templates for sections of the proposal and a budget template. Pre-award staff offer assistance to faculty and staff in developing the proposal budget and in reviewing the proposal for compliance with the sponsor's guidelines and requirements as well as for clarity, grammar, and flow. 

The key to obtaining a meaningful review is for principal investigators (PIs) to plan ahead and submit the draft proposal to ORSSP well in advance of the application deadline.

Links to grant writing resources are available on our Grant Writing Guides and Resources webpage.

Contact the pre-award team at research@uttyler.edu or 903.565.5858 for more information on proposal review services available from the ORSSP.

Proposal Submittal

Please submit your proposal to the ORSSP at least two business days prior to the sponsor's deadline so that ORSSP staff can do a final check for compliance with the sponsor's guidelines and requirements.  A completed and signed proposal approval form should be submitted with the final proposal.

Proposal Approval Form