Research Design & Data Analysis Lab Consultants

Research Design & Data Analysis Lab Consultants

Office of Research, Scholarship, and Sponsored Programs

Annamary Consalvo  

Annamary Consalvo
School of Education 

Qualitative Consultant 
Phone: 903.565.5576
Office: BEP 212-D

My research interests center on explorations of teachers and students, their talk, writing, learning, and development in settings representing both K-12 and higher education. My work has included, for example, ethnographic studies using discourse analysis of relational aspects of teaching and learning literacy in elementary and high school classrooms; multisite case studies of youth voice and teens’ writerly identity; ways in which deep learning occurred in a second grade classroom; explorations of ways in which sites of social media professional communities can support preservice and inservice teachers; and, ways in which masters seeking students in online classes build communicative efficacy through writing.

Regarding qualitative research, I can offer consultation around questions concerning:

  • Study design
  • Methodological approaches
  • Analytic approaches
  • Theoretical framing 

Schedule a meeting with me online.