Edit the Image Rotator

OU Campus Training and Standards

Prior to editing the image rotator, users are encouraged to either attend a training session for editing the image rotator, or request a one-on-one image rotator training.

Each directory requires specific settings by the Web team prior to editing the image rotator. Please email web@uttyler.edu to check the image settings for your department site.

By default, pages are set up using a rotating image, or no image at all. Below are the options available for each page:

Generic Image Rotator

A generic image rotator includes many images rotating from a generic folder. Images within the generic rotator folder are updated periodically to include new images. Because the generic image rotator folder includes a large number of generic campus images, it is safe to display on most pages. OU Campus users do can be set up with access to update their image rotator.

Directory-Specific Image Rotator

  • The Web team can configure a department website to point to directory-specific image rotators. 
  • Users must confirm with the Web team that their site is configured for directory-specific image rotators.
  • Users can upload new images for their set of rotators.
  • Images MUST be configured to the appropriate size, 870x350

To add/delete images from your image rotator, from OU Campus navigate to the path your image rotator files are located. Most of the time, the path will be: images > users > directoryname > rotating.

Once you are in the folder, you can add/delete as needed. 

NOTE: If you upload new images, they must be published in order to display. For assistance, submit a support ticket to the web team.

Individual Image

  • A page can be set up with one image displaying each time the page is viewed.
  • This option could be used for a specific event or topic.
  • Images MUST be configured to the appropriate size, 870x350

Image Slider

Another option is an image slider using Assets. All images within an Image Slider must be sized to 870x350. Image sliders are updated using ASSETS. To  To see an example of an image slider, visit The Admissions Website. To request an image slider, contact the Web team.

Request an Image Slider >>


For accessibility purposes images within the rotator/slider should NEVER be used as a place to display text content. Images used in the place of text will be removed from the UT Tyler website.