UT Tyler Parent Resources

Parents Q & A

How will my child get around campus?

Walking from class to class usually does not take more than 10 minutes, and the East Texas weather is usually mild.

Campus buildings, including residence facilities, are close together, which means students save time walking from building to building rather than driving.

Will my child be OK living in a residence facility?


While we may not provide the exact same love and care (doing laundry, making beds) that he/she receives at home, we strive to be the next best thing. Whether it’s food, roommates, entertainment or supervision, the Residence Life Office has it covered.

Residence assistants are on staff at each housing facility to help students get accustomed to living on campus.

Where can students get advice?

While nothing can replace a phone call home, we do our best to meet students’ needs.

For general student life questions – orientation, student organizations, campus activities – students can contact the Department of Student Engagement Office.

While living in one of our residence facilities, students can always seek help from their Resident Assistant. RAs are upperclassmen who are assigned to a floor in each housing facility and offer support by mentoring, connecting them with the campus community and fostering relationships with and among the residents through planned activities.

When it comes to choosing classes or a career, students can always find help through Academic Advising and Career Services.

Our Student Counseling Center can help students work through such issues as time management and study skills.

Is UT Tyler safe?

We take the safety of each student entrusted to us very seriously.

UT Tyler has a highly-trained police department that patrols the campus around the clock. Officers routinely provide services such as vehicle jump-starts, unlock, and personal escorts for students leaving campus buildings after hours. Students can call the police dispatch to request an escort.

UT Tyler has a system for locking residence halls and using UT Tyler ID cards for re-entry. Students gain entry to their rooms using their student ID.

UT Tyler police are involved in crime prevention and awareness programs conducted throughout campus.

What if my child gets sick?

Your first thought will be to come take care of your child, but rest assured that the staff at the University Health Clinic, located on the campus, will help meet those medical needs.

A physician and nurse practitioner are available 5 days a week for primary care diagnosis and treatment.

The Wellness and Prevention Education Program provides counseling and educational information that help students make healthy choices.

What if my child has trouble with classes?

A quality education is what you’ve sent your child to UT Tyler to get, and that’s what we want to help ensure that they get. Our student success programs are designed to help students fully benefit from the university experience.

Supplemental Instruction provides peer mentors and tutors who help note-taking and test-taking skills.

Our Student Services Offices is extremely dedicated to helping students who have physical or learning disabilities through its Disability Support Services.

We want you to feel comfortable with UT Tyler, so we welcome your questions. Please submit them to enroll@uttyler.edu.