Student Debt Appeals

Student Debt Appeals

Office of Student Business Services

Submitting an appeal to the Student Debt Appeals Committee:

If an extenuating circumstance exists which would prohibit payment of a past due balance in full prior to enrollment or eligibility for an installment plan or emergency loan, you must submit a Student Debt Appeal application to have your appeal reviewed by the Student Debt Appeals Committee.

All appeals submitted must include the following:

  • A typed statement noting the nature of your appeal, including a detailed summary and timelines of the extenuating/mitigating circumstance and/or events that led to your need to file the appeal, the exact outcome you wish the committee to consider granting, and how much you are able to pay toward your balance up front. 
    • Please note:  A down payment is required on or before the application deadline for the next meeting.  For balances less than $250, a down payment of $50 or more is required and for balances of $251 or more, a down payment of at least 20% of the balance is required.  Failure to submit an accurate down payment on time may result in automatic denial of your Student Debt Appeal.
  • A signed Money Management Plan created with Center for Student Financial Wellness staff as well as documentation proving ability to make payments.
  • To schedule an appointment or if you have questions regarding the Money Management Plan, please contact:
  • Thorough documentation to support all extenuating circumstance noted in the typed statement.

Students should return complete student debt appeals to the Cashiers at the One-Stop Service Center (STE 230), by email to, or fax to 903.565.5657. Please note, if student is appealing for enrollment, the student must submit all required documentation at least two weeks prior to the first class day. Any appeals submitted after this point will only be reviewed for late registration and are subject to associated fees.

Appeals submitted without appropriate documentation (and those submitted with no supporting documentation) may be subject to automatic denial, as noted on the Student Debt Appeal Form.

Students will receive an email notification at their Patriot student email account regarding the outcome of the appeal after the Student Debt Appeals Committee has reached its decision.

Certain items may not be appealed, and any such requests will be automatically denied as invalid.  These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress requirement for enrollment appeal, minimum 2.0 GPA undergraduate, minimum 3.0 GPA graduate.
  • Failure to comply with the terms of a previous appeal or past due payment agreement.