Blake Bextine

Blake Bextine

Biology Professor

Phone: 903.566.7323
Building:   BEP 107
Department: The Academy


  • 2001 PhD - Entomology Oklahoma State University
  • 1998 MS - Entomology Texas Tech University
  • 1996 BA - Biology University of N. Iowa


"To truly understand the scientific process, students should engage in a meaningful research experience during their college career. For most Biology majors, this becomes a life-changing experience. This excitement of discovery needs to be cultivated and rewarded. One of my aspirations at UT Tyler has been to provide these opportunities for students to help them reach their goals."

Teaching Experience

2010-Present Associate Professor (Interim Chair 2010), Department of Biology, University of Texas, Tyler.

2010-Present Director of Research Development, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Texas, Tyler.
General Goal – Provide leadership to the faculty on issues of extramural funding.

2005-2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Texas, Tyler.
General research interest - Development of management tactics and diagnostic techniques for insect-transmitted plant pathogens.
Teaching responsibility - Cell Biology and Cell and Molecular Biology.

2001-2005 Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Entomology
University of California, Riverside.
Post-Doctoral research - Use of paratransgenesis strategy for the management of Xylella fastidiosa transmission by the glassy-winged sharpshooter. Responsible for general laboratory management. Training and instruction for new postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, undergraduate students, and workers. Responsible for compilation and dissemination of research findings to appropriate journals, professional meetings, and federal agencies. Secured $280,000 per year in grant funding to support research efforts.

1998-2001 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology Oklahoma State University.
Doctoral research - Identification of the insect vector of the pathogen causing the disease known as yellow vine of cucurbits and characterization of transmission parameters. Also responsible for general laboratory management and maintenance. Trained other graduate and undergraduate students in basic lab procedures. Performed basic background research. Prepared research findings for presentation at professional society meetings and publication in scholarly journals.

1998-1999 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology Oklahoma State University.
Leadership responsibility included preparation of laboratory materials and instruction of laboratory sessions in Livestock Entomology, following the guidelines of a collegiate curriculum.

1996-1998 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Plant and Soil Science Texas Tech University.
M.S. Thesis - The Use of Beauveria bassiana for Control of the Red Imported Fire Ant. Provided general research support and follow through. Responsible for both independent and collateral projects within the lab. Prepared findings for presentation and abstraction in regular research group meetings and other professional meetings.

1996-1998 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Plant and Soil Science Texas Tech University. Leadership responsibility included preparation of laboratory materials and instruction of laboratory sessions in Introductory Entomology, following the guidelines of a collegiate curriculum. Provided instructional support and feedback to students. Held office hours to discuss students’ progress and remediation. Maintained class records, attendance, and grades.