Protection from Retaliation for Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing

Office of Compliance

The University is committed to including employees in the process of ensuring that the University operates in an ethical, honest and lawful manner. It is therefore the policy of the University to:

  1. Encourage employees to report, or cause to be reported, and to assist in any investigation by persons authorized or responsible for such matters, known or suspected violations of laws, rules, policies, or regulations, or improper activities.
  2. Prohibit unlawful retaliation against employees as a consequence of good faith actions in the reporting of, or the participation in an investigation pertaining to, allegations of wrongdoing.


Policy Regarding Protection from Retaliation

UTS 131: Protection from Retaliation for Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing


Reporting an Allegation of Retaliation

To report suspected retaliation, please contact one of the following:

Ethics and Compliance Hotline
Gracy Buentello
Chief Human Resources Officer
3900 University Blvd. STE 108
Tyler, TX 75799