M. Dotson

M. Rhys Dotson

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: mdotson@uttyler.edu


M. Dotson

M. Rhys Dotson

Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
Department: History
Building: CAS Office 117
Email: mdotson@uttyler.edu
Phone: 903.566.7371


  • B.A., The University of Texas at Tyler
  • M.A., The University of Texas at Tyler


Dr. M. Rhys Dotson is a dedicated historian who currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at Tyler.   With a passion for understanding the past and its impact on the present, Dr. Dotson has devoted his academic career to the study of Modern American History, particularly focusing on civil rights movements.

Dr. Dotson holds both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree in history from the University of Texas at Tyler.  In 2022, Dr. Dotson proudly earned his PhD in History from Texas A&M University.  His doctoral research delved into the formation of the LGBT civil rights movement in Dallas, Texas. 

In addition to teaching US survey courses, Dr. Dotson also teaches a variety of upper division courses, including the Long Sixties and the Rise of Conservativism in America.