Nikki Carter

Nikki Carter

Senior Lecturer

Phone: 903.566.7371
Building:   CAS Office 122
Department: Political Science
Additional Department: History


I have two Master's degrees, one in History and one in Political Science. My interests include a wide-range of themes and periods in American, European, and World history with some focus on social, political, intellectual, and medical history.

I currently teach American History 1301 and 1302, World Civilizations I, American Government, and Texas Politics. Additionally, I am a co-faculty advisor for the History Club (Webb Historical Society).

Some of my favorite periods in American history are the Civil War, World War II, and the Civil Rights Movements.  As far as the study of history goes, I tend to agree with this statement made by Frederick Jackson Turner, “Each age tries to form its own conception of the past. Each age writes the history of the past anew with reference to the conditions uppermost in its own time."  

When I am not teaching, reading, or writing, I enjoy spending my time outside walking in some of our beautiful local parks and traveling. I also love sports, especially baseball and soccer.  I try to lead an active lifestyle, so sitting behind a desk all day is not my idea of fun!

Curriculum Vitae