Edward Tabri

Edward Tabri

Associate Professor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Email: ETabri@uttyler.edu
Building:   CAS Office 121
Department: History


  • B.A., Wittenberg University
  • M.A., University of Cincinnati
  • Ph.D., University of Virginia


I received my PhD in 1996 from the University of Virginia in Medieval and Early Modern European history.  I taught at the University of Cincinnati and the Ohio State University before coming to UT-Tyler, where I have taught since 2001.

I teach a wide range of courses covering Ancient Greece and Rome (Mediterranean Civilization), Medieval Europe, Renaissance and Reformation Europe and the History of Russia.

My publications include Political Culture in the Early Northern Renaissance:  the Court of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (Lewiston/Lampeter, 2005).  I am currently writing a book entitled Ruling the Renaissance:  Humanism and Statecraft in the Age of Machiavelli and Erasmus.

Among other academic awards, I have been the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to Belgium, where I studied at the University of Ghent and conducted research at the Royal Archives and Royal Library in Brussels as well as a number of other libraries and archives across Western Europe.