Eric Lopez

Eric Lopez, ABD

Assistant Professor

Phone: 903.566.7371
Building:   CAS Office 115
Department: Political Science


  • ABD The University of Arizona. Major field: American Politics. Secondary field: Comparative Politics.
  • M.A. The University of Arizona, 2010. Focus: American Politics.
  • B.A. Texas Christian University, 2007, Political Science and Sociology.


Professor Lopez is the Pre-Law Advisor and a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and History at the University of Texas at Tyler. Both his research and teaching interests involve the federal courts and constitutional law, specifically the decision-making behavior of federal Courts of Appeals judges. Professor Lopez is a graduate of TCU and did his graduate work at the University of Arizona.


At UT-Tyler, Professor Lopez co-authored the following open source textbooks:

  •  Game of Politics: Conflict, Power, & Representation (Open Source U.S. Government Text). 2019. Tyler, TX: The University of Texas at Tyler Press. With Kenneth Bryant, Jr. and Mark Owens
  • Uncovering Texas Politics in the 21st Century (Open Source Texas Government Text). 2019. Tyler, TX: The University of Texas at Tyler Press. With Marcus Stadelmann and Robert Sterken.


Additionally, he has taught the following courses:


Undergraduate Courses at UT Tyler

  • Introductory Texas Politics
  • Introductory American Government 
  • U.S. Constitutional Development
  • Judicial Systems and Processes 
  • American Constitutional Law 
  • The Law of Civil Liberties
  • Development of the First Amendment 

Undergraduate Courses at The University of Arizona

  • Arizona and United States Constitution
  • The Judicial Process
  • Constitutional Law, Federalism
  • Constitutional Law, Civil Liberties
  • Minority Groups and American Politics
  • American Political Thought
  • Law and Public Policy