Bradley Green

Bradley Green, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology

Phone: 903.566.6270

Psychology & Counseling

Bradley Green, Ph.D.

Title: Professor of Psychology
Department: Psychology & Counseling
Building: BEP 252
Phone: 903.566.6270


  • Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Texas A&M University (December 2003)
  • Pre-doctoral Internship, Eastern Virginia Medical School (June 2003)
  • M.S. Clinical Psychology, Texas A&M University (December 1999
  • B.S. Psychology, University of Houston (May 1994)



Professional & Research Interests:

My research examines the latent structure of psychological constructs, accurate measurement of those constructs, and the multivariate relationships among them. More specifically, I am interested in the measurement of personality and psychopathology, particularly as assessed by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory family of measures. I have worked extensively on the development and validation of instruments intended to screen for hypersexual problems, or sexual addiction, and to further measure the specific patterns of expression of problematic hypersexual behavior. I have recently been collaborating across disciplines to examine the relationships among genetic factors, psychopathology factors (e.g. personality traits, anxiety, depression, thought disturbance), and the risk for developing problematic hypersexual behaviors, as well as the degree to which genetic and psychopathology factors relate to specific patterns of expressing hypersexuality. I have also been fortunate to contribute to research on factors related to suicide in military personnel.

Courses Taught at UT Tyler:

  • PSYC 5396 - Supervised Practicum in Psychology
  • PSYC 5397 - Advanced Supervision Practicum in Psychology
  • PSYC 6301 - Advanced Tests and Measurement

Lab Name: Personality and Psychopathology

Model of Research Supervision: Individual mentorship and group meetings.

Current Projects for Fall 2022:

  • Emotional Intelligence Factors Related to Suicide Ideation
  • Moral Injury and Entrapment Factors Related to Suicide Ideation
  • Acceptance of Virtual Delivery of Psychological Services
  • Personality Factors Related to Hypersexuality


Types of Students Accepted into Lab:I will be interviewing graduate applicants for my lab to start in Fall 2023.

Remote Options:Lab work and research projects will be both onsite and virtual as necessary.


  • Jiang, S., Wallace, K., Yang, E., Roper, L., Aryal, G., Lodhi, R.J., Green, B., & Aitchison, K.J. (2021, October). Logistic regression with machine learning sheds light on problematic sexual behavior phenotype. Poster presented at Mind-Body Interface International Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Green, B., Hutchinson, A., Kellermann, A., Parashar, N., Cordova, E., Arnau, R.C., & Carnes, P. (2021, June). MMPI-3 Profile and Scale Correlates in a Sample of Men Seeking Treatment for Hypersexuality. Paper presented at the annual MMPI Symposium on Recent Research, Minneapolis, MN (online).
  • Arnau, R.C., Cordova, E., Green, B., Hutchinson, A., Kellermann, A., Parashar, N., & Carnes, P. (2021, June). Relationships between Process Addictions, ADHD Symptoms, and MMPI-3 Scales in a Sample of Men Seeking Treatment for Hypersexuality. Paper presented at the annual MMPI Symposium on Recent Research, Minneapolis, MN (online).
  • Jiang, S., Wallace, K., Yang, E., Roper, L., Aryal, G., Isenberg, R., Carnes, P., Green, B., Lodhi, R. J., Aitchison, &K. J. (2020, October). Defining a problematic sexual behaviour phenotype in young adults in post-secondary education. Poster accepted for the 28th annual World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics. 
  • Behroozi Asl, B., Wallace, K., Yang, E., Roper, L., Aryal, G., Isenberg, R., Carnes, P., Green, B., Lodhi, R. J., Greiner, R., & Aitchison, K. J. (2020, October). Using Machine Learning to Explore Problematic Sexual Behavior and Related Conditions. Poster submitted for the 28th annual World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics.
  • Green, B.A., Altenberger, T. L., Arnau, R.C., Jorgenson, J., Barajas, K., Lodhi, R.J., Isenberg, R., Carnes, P.J., & Aitchison, K.J. (2020, June). MMPI-3 Correlates of Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Diagnoses in a Clinical Hypersexual Sample. Paper presented at the annual MMPI Symposium on Recent Research, Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Arnau, R. C., Altenberger, T., Bulla, B., Barajas, K., Jorgenson, J., Floyd, P., Broerman, R., Lodhi, R., Green, B., Isenberg, R., Carnes, P., & Aitchison, K. (2019, June). Psychometric Evaluation of the MMPI-2-RF in a Clinical Sexual Addiction Sample: Replication and Extension of Previous Findings. Paper presented at the annual MMPI Symposium on Recent Research, Minneapolis, MN. 

Relevant Citations:

  • Chan, E.C., Wallace, K., Yang, E., Roper, L., Aryal, G., Lodhi, R.J., Isenberg, R., Carnes, P.J., Baskys, A., Green, B.A., & Aitchison, K.J. (2022). The feasibility and acceptability of mobile application-based assessment of suicidality using self-report components of a novel tool, the Suicide Ideation and Behavior Assessment Tool (SIBAT). Psychiatry Research, 307, online.
  • Chan, E.C., Wallace, K., Yang, E., Roper, L., Aryal, G., Baskys, A., Isenberg, R., Carnes, P.J., Green, B.A., & Aitchison, K.J. (2021). Internal consistency and concurrent validity of self-report components of a new instrument for the assessment of suicidality, the Suicide Ideation and Behavior Assessment Tool (SIBAT). Psychiatry Research, 304, online.
  • Daruwala, S.E., Houtsma, C., Martin, R., Green, B., Capron, D., & Anestis, M.D. (in press). Masculinity’s Association with the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide Among Military Personnel. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
  • Harrop, T.M., Anestis, J.C., Preston, O.C., Arnau, R., Green, B.A., & Anestis, M.D. (2021). A comparison of psychopathic trait latent profiles in servicemembers. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 43, 532-544. 
  • Martin, R.L.*, Bauer, B.W.*, Smith, N.S.*, Daruwala, S.E.*, Green, B.A., Anestis, M.D., & Capron, D.W. (2020). Internal battles: examining how anger/hostility moderate the association between negative urgency and suicidal desire variables in military and civilian samples. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, online. 
  • Assavedo, B. L., Green, B. A., & Anestis, M. D. (2018). Military personnel compared to multiple suicide attempters: Interpersonal theory of suicide constructs. Death Studies, 42, 123-129. 
  • • Butterworth, S. E., Green, B. A., & Anestis, M. D. (2017). The association between specific combat experiences and aspects of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 
  • Green, B. A., Arnau, R. C., Carnes, P. J., Carnes, S., & Hopkins, T. A. (2015). Structural congruence of the Sexual Dependency Inventory – 4th Edition. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 22, 126-153. 
  • Anestis, M. D., & Green, B. A. (2015). The impact of varying levels of confidentiality on disclosure of suicidal thoughts in a sample of United States National Guard personnel. 
  • Green, B. A., Ahmed, A. O., Marcus, D. K., & Walters, G. D. (2011). The latent structure of alcohol use pathology in an epidemiological sample. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45,225-33.


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