Eric Stocks

Eric Stocks, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, Undergraduate Psychology Program Coordinator

Phone: 903.565.5637

Psychology & Counseling

Eric Stocks, Ph.D.

Eric Stocks, Ph.D.

Title: Professor of Psychology, Undergraduate Psychology Program Coordinator
Department: Psychology & Counseling
Building: BEP 204A
Phone: 903.565.5637


  • Ph.D. University of Kansas
    Major: Social Psychology
  • M.S. University of Kansas
    Major: Social Psychology
  • B.S. University of Missouri


Professional & Research Interest

  • Social emotions and motivation
  • Prosocial behavior
  • Social cognition
  • Psychology of religion
  • Philosophy/history of science
  • Research methods

Courses Taught

  • PSYC 1349 - Critical Thinking, Logic & Reasoning
  • PSYC 3232 - Laboratory in Experimental Psychology
  • PSYC 3306 - Social Psychology
  • PSYC 3331 - Experimental Psychology

Curriculum Vita