Gary Bouse

Gary Bouse

Director of Development, Soules College of Business

Phone: 903.566.7318
Building:   SCOB 312.11
Department: Advancement


Ed.D. in Higher Education Administration – Indiana University
M. Agric. In Land Economics & Real Estate – Texas A&M University
B.S. in Agricultural Economics – Texas A&M University


Dr. Bouse comes to UT Tyler with over 30 years of experience in higher education administration and university development.  Dr. Bouse has served as Vice President at Sam Houston State University, Indiana State University and the Mississippi University for Women and, most recently, as Associate Vice Chancellor for Development at Henderson State University.

His current professional associations and affiliations include the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy.  He is a former editorial advisory board member for the International Journal for Educational Advancement.  He has also served his profession through membership on the Council for the Advancement & Support of Education’s District Board of Directors and Conference Committees.