Provost Fellows at UT Tyler

Provost Fellows

Office of the Provost

The Provost Fellows program at The University of Texas at Tyler is designed to provide the faculty with an enriching experience in academic leadership and the opportunity to contribute more directly to issues of strategic importance to the university. The Office of Academic Affairs will also benefit from Fellows’ injection of fresh ideas.

Appointments as Provost Fellow will be for one year, and may be extended for another year, if warranted. Faculty may apply for the position by submitting a plan for a specific project or focus area which they would like to lead. Only tenured faculty members are eligible.

Given the SACSCOC reaffirmation timeline, the 2016-17 Provost Fellow will focus on the development of the new Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), a carefully designed and focused course of action that addresses a well-defined topic or issue(s) related to enhancing student learning. With the guidance of QEP Steering Committee, the Provost Fellow will lead the process of developing the next QEP by soliciting project ideas from the UT Tyler community, convening forums to discuss the best of these ideas, and helping to develop the QEP plan once the project idea is selected by the university.


Past Fellows:

Term Name Project


Dr. Catherine Ross



Dr. Catherine Ross



Dr. Catherine Ross and Dr. Neil Gray



Dr. Barbara Wooldridge