

Patriot singers concert chorale

UT Tyler choral ensembles and Talent Awards are open to students of all majors. Auditions take place during the spring prior to intended enrollment. For additional information please contact Dr. Cameron Rose, Director of Choral Activities.

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Concert Chorale

MUEN 1145 / 3145 / 5145

The UT Tyler Concert Chorale was organized in 1975 as the first music ensemble of the university and since that time has continued a rich heritage of performances across a wide variety of classical, sacred, folk and multicultural traditions. 

Choral-orchestral masterworks performed in recent years have included: Christ lag in Todesbanden (Bach), Stabat Mater (Pergolesi), Missa in C (Mozart), Kleine Orgelmesse (Haydn), Jesu meine Freude (Bach), Gloria (Vivaldi), Mass in G (Schubert), Gloria (Rutter), Requiem (Rutter), Requiem (Fauré), Requiem (Duruflé). In 2018, Concert Chorale collaborated with the East Texas Symphony Orchestra in performances of Zadok the Priest (Handel), Nanie (Brahms), and Beethoven's Symphony No. 9.

An informal vocal screening with the director is needed prior to enrollment. Singers are also welcome to join mid-year. 

Patriot Singers

MUEN 1155 / 3145 / 5145

Patriot Singers is the auditioned, vocal chamber ensemble of UT Tyler, and performs a vibrant and challenging repertoire from sacred Renaissance works to contemporary vocal jazz. Their many highly-attended performances include joint concerts with the Philippine Madrigal Singers, the Grammy-winning Swingle Swingers, and performing the National Anthem for the Dallas Mavericks (20,000 in audience). In 2018 they were featured at the College Music Society South Central Regional Conference. In addition to formal performances with the Concert Chorale, the Patriot Singers perform in numerous featured community and regional events each year as musical ambassadors for the university at large.

Membership is by audition in the spring. A full academic year commitment is expected.

Choir History


Dr. Cameron Rose - Balderas began his service as Director of Choral Activities in 2008, conducting the Concert Chorale and Patriot Singers. In 2016, the Center for the Musical Arts, a new wing of the Cowan Center was opened. Dr. Rose directed over 180 formal, community outreach, and workshop performances with the UT Tyler choirs during his tenure.


Dr. Thomas Allen served as choir director from 1991 to 2006. During this time, the Cowan Fine and Performing Arts Center opened (1997) and UT Tyler added freshman and sophomore classes, becoming a full four-year institution (1998). Dr. Mark Johnson directed the newly-formed Patriot Singers from 2003 to 2007. Dr. Allen passed away just prior to the spring concert of 2006. Dr. David Scholz (2006-2007) and Dr. John Petzet (2007-2008) served as interim conductors.


In 1975, Dr. Chadwick Edwards became the first choir director of the university when Tyler State College was renamed Texas Eastern University. In 1979, the school became UT Tyler when it joined the University of Texas system, offering only upper-division courses to transfer students. Dr. Mark Mecham served as conductor during Dr. Edwards' sabbatical (1984-1986). Dr. Edwards conducted the university choirs until 1990, following which Keith Weber, Director of Music at Christ Church Episopal, served as interim conductor (1990-1991).