Yvonne Ralph

Yvonne Ralph

Assistant Chair, Psychology and Counseling, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Phone: 903.566.7382
Email: yralph@uttyler.edu

Psychology & Counseling

Yvonne Ralph

Yvonne Ralph

Title: Assistant Chair, Psychology and Counseling, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department: Psychology & Counseling
Building: HPR 209
Email: yralph@uttyler.edu
Phone: 903.566.7382


  • Ph.D., Psychological Science, University of Texas at Dallas
  • M.S., Applied Cognition and Neuroscience, University of Texas at Dallas
  • B.S., Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, University of Texas at Dallas


Courses Taught:

  • PSYC 4353- Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 4381 Honors in Psychology I
  • PSYC 4382 Honors in Psychology II
  • PSYC 3325 Learning and Conditioning
  • PSYC 1301 Introduction to Psychology