Seminars and Events

Seminars and Events

UT Tyler Department of Mathematics

The UT Tyler Math Department has several recurring seminars and events aimed at faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.

Research Seminars

Colloquium – This is a weekly seminar aimed a general mathematical audience. Talks are given by both UT Tyler faculty (and occasionally students) and outside speakers. Talks are accessible to faculty, and in many cases graduate students or advanced undergraduates.

Analysis Seminar – This is a more specialized seminar among UT Tyler faculty members who work in the area of analysis.

Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar – This is another specialized seminar featuring speakers from UT Tyler and other institutions who work in the areas of number theory and combinatorics.

Student-Oriented Events

Math Club – This is a biweekly series of talks on fun mathematical topics given by UT Tyler faculty members (and occasionally students or visitors). The talks are generally aimed at undergraduate students (not necessarily math majors). Lunch is usually provided to those who attend the talk.