Lance R.

Lance R. Williams


Phone: 903.565.5878


Lance R. Williams

Lance R. Williams

Title: Chair
Department: Biology
Building: BEP 129A
Phone: 903.565.5878


  • Ph.D. 2000 Mississippi State University, Biological Sciences. Advisor:  Dr. Christopher M. Taylor.
  • M.S. 1997 Oklahoma State University, Zoology. Advisor: Dr. Anthony A. Echelle.
  • B.S. 1994 University of Oklahoma, Zoology


Dr. Williams is Chair and Professor of Biology and a founding member of the Center for Environment, Biodiversity, and Conservation at The University of Texas at Tyler.  His research expertise is in aquatic ecology.  He has supervised more than 26 M.S. and Ph.D. students over the last 21 years. He has been PI or co-PI on over $10 million in extramural grants.  Most of these projects have addressed applied questions related to the management of flowing water ecosystems.  Many of these projects have involved management of endangered species.  Current projects include: (1) Using fish and macroinvertebrate communities to monitor water quality on military bases in Texas and Louisiana; (2) Population ecology and genetics of the Kisatchie Painted Crayfish; (3) Conservation of freshwater Unionids in East Texas rivers; and (4) Development of TDMLs for rivers in East Texas; (5) distribution of rare mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies, and; (6) understanding the function of natural vs. constructed wetlands.  Dr. Williams has a fully equipped landscape ecology and research laboratory at UT Tyler.

Curriculum Vitae