Jessica Rueter

Jessica Rueter, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Special Education

Building:   BEP 240
Department: Education


  • Ph.D. Texas Woman's University, Special Education, 2008
  • M.Ed. Cameron University, Special Education, 1997
  • B.S. Central Missouri State University, Business Education, 1991


Jessica A. Rueter is an Associate Professor of Special Education at The University of Texas at Tyler. Dr. Rueter has 20+ years of experience as a special education teacher, educational diagnostician, and as a university professor.

Dr. Rueter has several publications to her credit and is a frequent speaker at the international, national, and state level. She is an assessment consultant to school districts in East Texas and in the Dallas Fort Worth metropolitan area and has served as an expert witness in due process hearings.

Her research interests include best practices of assessment of students with disabilities and translating assessment results into evidence-based instructional practices. Dr. Rueter serves as President of the Council for Educational Diagnostic Services, Past-President of the Texas Council for Exceptional Children, and a member of CEC, CEDS, TED, SSEPC, and TEDA.                              

Courses Taught

  • EDUC 4365 - Assessment for Instruction (Hybrid/PATSS)
  • EDSP 3351 - Managing and Instructing Diverse Learners
  • EDSP 5361 - Overview of Transition Services for Students with Disabilities (Birth to 21) (Online/GiveBack)
  • EDSP 5368 - Educational Strategies for Special Education (Online)
  • EDSP 5366 - Full and Individual Evaluation (Online)
  • EDSP 5370 - Learning Theory as Applied to Students with Disabilities (Online)
  • EDSP 5365 - Developmental Testing (Online)
  • EDSP 5360 - Seminar-Learning and Neurological Disabilities (Online)
  • EDSP 5371 - Individual Assessment of Cognitive Functioning/Wechsler Scales (Online)
  • EDSP 5364 - Seminar: Assessment in Special Education (Online)

Selected Works

Curriculum Vitae