Undergraduate Syllabi for Civil Engineering
Contact Us
College of Engineering
RBS 2002
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7273
Fx: 903.566.7337
RBS 2002
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7273
Fx: 903.566.7337
Spring 2025
- CENG 3325.001: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3325.031 Structural Analysis
- CENG 3336.001/001L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3336.031/031L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3351.001: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3351.031: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3361.050: Applied Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulic Design
- CENG 3371.001/001L/002L: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- CENG 3371.031/031L: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- CENG 4315.001 :Senior Design II
- CENG 4315.031 :Senior Design II
- CENG 4341/050/051/060: Leadership, Professionalism & Public Policy
- CENG 4350.050/051: Special Topics
- CENG 4350.052: Special Topics
- CENG 4350.053: Special Topics
- CENG 4350.054/055: Special Topics
- CENG 4370.060: Independent Study
- ENGR 1201.001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 2301 Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Fall 2024
- ENGR 1201.001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 2301.001: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- CENG 2336.001: Geomatics
- CENG 3306.001 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3306.031 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3310.050/051: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3434.001: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 3434.031: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 4354.050: Transportation System Design and Planning
- CENG 4371.050/051: Environmental Engineering Design
- CENG 4412.001: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
- CENG 4412.031: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
Spring 2024
- ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- CENG 3325.001: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3351.001: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3361.001/001L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3361.031/031L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3371.031/031L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 4313.001: Course Administration
- CENG 4315.001L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4315.031L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4341.001: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4353.001: Introduction to Pavement Engineering
- CENG 4385.001: Course Administration
Fall 2023
- ENGR 1201.001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 1204.060: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301.001: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- CENG 2336.001: Geomatics
- CENG 2336.031: Geomatics
- CENG 3306.001 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3306.031 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3310.040: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3310.031: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3434.001/001L/002L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 3434.031/031L/032L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 4109.060: Prep for Prof Practice CE
- CENG 4115.001L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4115.031L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4314.060: Advanced Structural Analysis
- CENG 4339.001: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4339.031: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4351.001/001L: Traffic Engineering: Operations and Control
- CENG 4354.001: Urban Traffic
- CENG 4370.060: Undergraduate Internship
- CENG 4371.031/041: Environmental Engineering Design
- CENG 4381.001: Foundation Design
- CENG 4381.031: Foundation Design
- CENG 4412.001: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
- CENG 4412.031: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
- ENGR 1201.001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 1204.001 Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 2302: Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
- CENG 3325.001: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3325.031: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3336.001/001L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3336.031/031L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3351.001: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3351.031: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3361.001/001L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3361.031/031L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3371.001/001L/002L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 3371.031/031L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 4109.060: Senior Seminar
- CENG 4315.001L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4315.031L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4318.031/040: Design of Timber Structures
- CENG 4341.001/040: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4341.031: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4350.001/040: Pavement Management Systems
- CENG 4350.040: Pavement Management Systems
- CENG 4350.060: Uncertainty Risk & Engineering
- CENG 4370.060: Independent Study
Fall 2022
- ENGR 1201.001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 1204.060: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301.001: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 2302.001: Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
- CENG 2336.001: Geomatics
- CENG 2336.031: Geomatics
- CENG 3306.001 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3306.031 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3310.001: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3310.031: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3434.001/001L/002L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 3434.031/031L/032L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 4109.060: Prep for Prof Practice CE
- CENG 4115.001L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4115.031L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4314.060: Advanced Structural Analysis
- CENG 4339.001: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4339.060: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4350.060: Air Pollution Control Design
- CENG 4351.001/001L: Traffic Engineering: Operations and Control
- CENG 4351.031/031L: Traffic Engineering: Operations and Control
- CENG 4354.001: Urban Traffic
- CENG 4370.060: Undergraduate Internship
- CENG 4371.060: Environmental Engineering Design
- CENG 4381.001: Foundation Design
- CENG 4381.032: Foundation Design
- CENG 4412.001: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
- CENG 4412.031: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
- ENGR 1201.001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 1204.001 Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 1204.002: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 2302: Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
- CENG 3325.001: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3325.031: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3336.001/001L/002L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3336.031/031L/032L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3351.001: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3351.031: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3361.001/001L/002L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3361.031/031L/032L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3371.001/001L/002L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 3371.031/031L/032L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 4109.060: Senior Seminar
- CENG 4315.001L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4315.031L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4341.001/040: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4341.031: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4350.001/040: Advanced Topics in Engineering
- CENG 4370.060: Independent Study
Fall 2021
- ENGR 1201.002: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 1204.060: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 4109.060: Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4109.061: Senior Seminar
- CENG 2336.001: Geomatics
- CENG 2336.031: Geomatics
- CENG 3306.001 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3306.031 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3310.001: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3310.031: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3434.001/001L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 3434.031/031L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 4115.001L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4115.031L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4314.060: Advanced Structural Analysis
- CENG 4339.001: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4339.031: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4350.031/040: Storm Water Pollution Control
- CENG 4351.001/001L: Traffic Engineering: Operations and Control
- CENG 4351.031/031L: Traffic Engineering: Operations and Control
- CENG 4370.060: Undergraduate Internship
- CENG 4371.001/040: Environmental Engineering Design
- CENG 4381.001: Foundation Design
- CENG 4381.032: Foundation Design
- CENG 4412.001: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
- CENG 4412.031: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
Summer 2021
Spring 2021
- ENGR 1201.001: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 1204: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 4109.031: Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4109.060: Senior Seminar
- CENG 3325.001: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3325.031: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3336.001/001L/002L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3336.031/031L/032L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3351.001: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3351.031: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3361.001/001L/002L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3361.031/031L/032L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3371.001/001L/002L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 3371.031/031L/032L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 4315.001L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4315.032L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4316.060: Advanced Steel Design
- CENG 4318.031/040: Design Timber Structures
- CENG 4341.001/040: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4341.031: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4350.001/040: Advanced Topics in Engineering
- CENG 4350.002: Topics in Engineering-Introduction to Pavement
- CENG 4370.060: Independent Study
Fall 2020
- ENGR 1204: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 4109.001: Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4109.002: Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4109.031: Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4109.032: Senior Seminar
- CENG 2336.002: Geomatics
- CENG 2336.031: Geomatics
- CENG 3306.001 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3306.031 Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3310.001: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3310.031: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CENG 3434.001/001L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 3434.031/031L: Civil Engineering Materials, Codes, and Specifications
- CENG 4115.001L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4115.031L: Senior Design I
- CENG 4330.001/040 : Water Resources Plan and Management
- CENG 4339.001: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4339.031: Administrative Instructions
- CENG 4351.001/001L: Traffic Engineering: Operations and Control
- CENG 4351.031/031L: Traffic Engineering: Operations and Control
- CENG 4354.001/040 : Urban Transporation Planning
- CENG 4370: Undergraduate Internship
- CENG 4371.001: Environmental Engineering Design
- CENG 4371.031: Environmental Engineering Design
- CENG 4381.001: Foundation Design
- CENG 4381.031: Foundation Design
- CENG 4412.001: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
- CENG 4412.031: Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design
Summer 2020
- CENG 2336.060: Geomatics
- CENG 3306.460/461/462: Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3434.060/060L: CE Mat Codes & Specifications
- ENGR 2301.060: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Spring 2020
- ENGR 1204: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 2302: Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
- ENGR 4009: FE Exam Prep
- ENGR 4109.001: Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4109.031: Senior Seminar
- CENG 3306.001: Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3306.031: Mechanics of Materials
- CENG 3325.001: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3325.031: Structural Analysis
- CENG 3336.001/001L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3336.031/031L: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Design
- CENG 3351.001: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3351.031: Transportion Engr Systems
- CENG 3361.001/001L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3361.031/031L: Applied Engr Hydrology & Design
- CENG 3371.001/001L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 3371.031/031L: Intro to Environmental Engr
- CENG 4315.001L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4315.032L: Senior Design II
- CENG 4318.031L: Design Timber Structures
- CENG 4341.001: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4341.032: Leadership, Policy, Bus, Asset Mgt
- CENG 4350.001: Advanced Topics in Engineering
- CENG 4350.002: Topics in Engineering-Introduction to Pavement
- CENG 4350.060: Topics in Engineering-Advanced Concrete Design
- CENG 4370.001: Independent Study
Contact Us
College of Engineering
RBS 2002
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7273
Fx: 903.566.7337
RBS 2002
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Ph: 903.566.7273
Fx: 903.566.7337