A medicine student talking to another student behind a desk

School of Medicine Certificate Programs 

Certificate Programs


The University of Texas at Tyler School of Medicine offers post-baccalaureate certificate programs that are designed for the individual looking to strengthen their academic preparation in scientific foundations. These programs are not part of a degree; however, coursework may be counted toward a degree with the approval of the college in which they are housed. Certificate programs are narrower in their focus than degrees and provide preparation in a specific field. The certificate is not the equivalent of a license or certification required for practice in the professions or to teach.

We currently offer a Certificate in Biomedical Sciences (Fall Semester) and a Certificate in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences (Spring Semester).

Program Benefits:

  • Complete the program through in-person or online classes at UT Tyler.
  • No GRE is required.
  • A minimum of 9 credit hours is required to earn certificate.

Certificate Programs