Two medicine students walking down a hospital hall

Certificate in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences

Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences

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Certificate in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences:

Earn a certificate in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences from The University of Texas at Tyler School of Medicine and you will enhance your academic preparation for further study toward a career in scientific research, working in a laboratory, or admission to a professional program such as medicine or pharmacy. This certificate provides a strong scientific foundation and understanding of the changing demands of today’s challenging scientific environment.

Program Benefits:

    • Complete the program through in-person classes at UT Tyler.
    • No GRE required to enter the program.
    • Minimum of 9 credit hours is required to earn certificate.
    • A versatile interdisciplinary program which offers individualized courses of study.

At least one course from each group and a minimum of 9 hours is required to earn this certificate:

Group 1 Options   (One course required, Needs to add up to 3 credit-hours)
BIOT 6340 Forensics
BIOT 6334 Advanced Immunology
BIOT 5222 Advanced Metabolism
BIOT 5221 Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Student will be able to compare assessments of and factors which contribute to public and/or mental health.

Group 2 Options   (One course required, Needs to add up to 3 credit-hours)
PBHL 5317 Biostatistics
OEHS 5340 Public Health in Rural Populations
NURS 5321 Health Policy and Population Health
ALHS 5325 Nutrition and Functional Foods for Healthy Aging

Student will be able to differentiate key mechanisms which regulate and maintain homeostasis of biochemical or physiological processes.

Group 3 Options (One course required, Needs to add up to 3 credit-hours)
BIOL 5338 or BIOL 5303 Cellular Physiology (BIOL 5303) or Animal Physiology (BIOL 5338)
CHEM 5321 Biochemical Foundations and Treatment of Disease
CHEM 5320 Advanced Biochemistry
PSYC 5354 Psychopharmacology
NURS 5354 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics


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Phone: (903) 877-8555