June Oh

June Oh

Assistant Professor in English and Digital Studies

Email: joh@uttyler.edu
Building:   CAS
Department: Literature And Languages


June Oh


College of Arts and Sciences 240

Department of Literature and Language

The University of Texas at Tyler 75799


2022                Ph.D., English Literature (August)

                        Michigan State University

Dissertation: The Aging Mind and Body in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture

Certificate in Digital Humanities, College Teaching, and QuILL (Queer Inclusive Learning and Leadership)

2014                M.A., English Literature and Language

                        Konkuk University, South Korea

Thesis: The Drives of Individualism and Performativity in Moll Flanders  

2012                B.A., English Literature & Language, Summa Cum Laude

                        Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea

                        Minor in Philosophy



2022-                The University of Texas at Tyler

                         Assistant Professor in English and Digital Studies

2016-22            Michigan State University

                         Fixed-Term, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant

2012-14            Konkuk University, South Korea

                         Research Assistant


RESEARCH & TEACHING INTERESTS                                                          


18C British Literature and Culture

Age Studies

Gender and Sexuality Studies

Health/Medical Humanities

Disability Studies


Global Studies

Postcolonial Studies

New Media

Digital Humanities

Science, Technology and Society (STS)




2023                Oh, June. “The ‘Angry (Digital) Silver’ in South Korea: The Rhetoric Around

Older Adults’ Digital Media Literacy.” Revise & resubmit. The Gerontologist.

2022                Oh, June, et al. “Contested Language and the Study of Later Life.” Age, Culture,

Humanities, vol. 6, July 2022, doi:10.7146/ageculturehumanities.v6i.133353.

2021                Oh, June. “Aging Faces and Gowland’s Lotion in Austen’s Persuasion.”        

         Narratives of Ageing in the Nineteenth Century, special issue of Age, Culture, Humanities. no. 5, 2021. doi: 10.17613/ak58-eg17.

2014                Oh, June Young., Hye-Soo Lee. “Performativity in Moll Flanders: Autonomy

                                 and Relationship.” British and American Fiction, vol. 21, no. 2, 2014, pp.


2013                Oh, June Young., Hyun Sook Huh. “Discontinuous Self: The Significance of

                                 Dickinson’s Poetic Persona. Studies in Modern British and American

                                 Poetry, vol. 19, no. 2, 2013, pp. 129-155.



2022                “Forum: Contested Language,” Edited by June Oh, Linda Hess, and Julia Henderson, Age, Culture, Humanities, vol. 6, July 2022.


Works in Progress

2023                Oh, June. “#grandma: The Angry, Comic, Digital Old.” In preparation for The Gerontologist.

                        Brandt, Marisa., June Oh, and Yukyung Lyla Bae. “First-Year Writing for STEM Students: Promoting Inclusion Through Inquiry-Based Writing Projects.” In preparation for Composition Studies, 2023, funded by Scholarship of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, MSU (2019-2022).


CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS                                                                  

International and National Presentation

Oh, J. “Her Digital Presence: Narratives of Aging and Technology of ‘Granfluencers,’” North American Network in Aging Studies (NANAS), virtual, Oct. 30.

Oh, J. “The Aging Bodymind and A Poet,” American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, Baltimore, Mar. 2022.

Oh, J. “The Literary History of Aging Bodymind and the Question of Racist Aging.” North American Network in Aging Studies, invited panelist, virtual, Nov. 2021.

Oh, J.  “@korea_grandma: The Comic Trendy Digital Old.” National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA), virtual, Nov. 2021.

Oh, J.  “The Old Robinson Crusoes.” American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, virtual, Apr. 2021.

Oh, J.  “Eating Brains: Memory and the ‘Undead.’” Popular Culture Association, virtual, May 2021.

Oh, J. “The Angry Digital Silver in the Pandemic.” NANAS, virtual, Nov. 2020.

Oh, J. “‘The pestilential kisses’: Sexuality and Aged Masculinity in Fanny Hill.” International Conference on Gender Studies, London, UK, Feb. 2020.

Oh, J. “‘[A]ll lines and wrinkles, nine grey hairs of a side’: Gowland’s Lotion, Medically Aged Faces, and Individualism.” Narratives of Ageing in the Nineteenth Century, Lincoln, UK, July 2019.

Oh, J. “‘But now a Spectre in its room appears’: Aging Bodies and Specter Identity in Eighteenth-Century Britain.” Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA), Chicago, IL, Nov. 2019.

Oh, J. “‘[O]bject of Disgust’: Ethics of Self-Care in Eighteenth-Century Britain.” American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, Denver, CO. Mar. 2019.



2022                Permanent Section: “Literature Before 1800,” MMLA, Minnesota, Upcoming.


Regional Presentations

  1. Oh. “Publication 101,” Writing and Pedagogy Research Workshop, Michigan State University, invited panelist, virtual, Mar. 2022.
  2. Oh, Yukyung Lyla Bae, and Marisa Brandt. “Can First-Year Writing Course for STEM Undergraduate Change Students’ Perception on the Nature of Science?: Assessing Student Development and Critical Science Literacy, A Collaborative LB 133 SUTL Presentation.” Graduate School, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, virtual, Feb. 2022.
  3. Oh. “Using Student Assignments for Qualitative Data Analysis: Formative Learning Outcome Assessment and Curriculum Development.” Invited workshop leader, The Scholarship of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Dec. 2022.
  4. Oh. “Exploring Intersectionality in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture.” Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Research Workshop, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Oct. 2021.

Brandt, M. and J. Oh. “Reimagining First-Year Writing for STEM Undergraduates as Inquiry-Based Learning in Science Studies.” Teaching, Learning and Student Success, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, virtual, May 2021.

Oh, J. “Humanities Commons: Making the Digital World Open, Communicative, and Personal.” Global Digital Symposium, East Lansing, MI, virtual, Mar. 2020.



AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS & HONORS                                                           



2020                Best Paper Prize for Graduate and Emerging Scholars, North American Network in

                               Aging Studies     

                               Award for excellent research and presentation; two graduate or early-career scholars chosen. Award based on my paper, “The Angry Digital Silver in the Pandemic,” that 1) analyzed media and popular portrayals of old people’s digital political participation in South Korea during the early phase of the pandemic and 2) historicized the medicalized rhetoric of aging and the idea of cognitive decline from humanities-based perspective.



2014                Best Publication in Arts & Science, Konkuk University, Seoul

Award for best publication for the academic year; two graduates are chosen each year, one in the sciences and one in the humanities. Award based on my publication of “Discontinuous Self: The Significance of Dickinson’s Poetic Persona. Studies in Modern British and American Poetry, 2013.


Fellowships and Scholarships

Michigan State University (2019-present)

2022                Dissertation Completion Fellowship ($11,000)         

                        Imagine Fellowship ($4000)

                        Summer Support Fellowship ($2250)

2020-21           Scholarship of Undergraduate Learning and Teaching ($5000)        

2020-21          Graduate School Writing Fellows in the Discipline ($3000)            

2020                Summer Support Fellowship ($4500)

2019-20          Scholarship of Undergraduate Learning and Teaching (SULT) ($5000)                   

2019                Thomas and Marilyn Culpepper Summer Endowment ($2000)       



External, Seoul (2012-2014)

2012-14           Culture Research Scholarship, Hong Beop Cultural Welfare Foundation ($6000)       


Konkuk University, Seoul (2010-2014) 

2012-14           Research Assistant Fellowship ($10000)      

2010-12           Sung誠 Honorary Scholarship ($4500 per semester, in total $13500)

2009-12          President’s Special Honorary Undergraduate Student Scholarship ($10000)      

2011                Shin信 Honorary Scholarship ($3200)



Micro-Grants and Research Awards

Michigan State University (2019-present)

2022                Travel Funding, College of Arts and Letters and Graduate School ($625)

2021                Professional Development Fund, Department of English ($130)

2020                Research Enhancement Funds, College of Arts and Letters ($900)  

GenCen Travel Award, Center for Gender in Global Context ($300)           

Travel Funding, Graduate School ($370)      

Travel Fund Award, College of Arts and Letters ($250)       

2019                Research Enhancement Fund, College of Arts and Letters ($1500)     

Travel Fund Award, Department of English and Graduate School ($485)               

Conference Award, Council of Graduate Students ($300)                                        

Travel Funding, Graduate School ($230)      

Graduate Funding, College of Arts and Letters ($250)      

Travel Funding, Department of English and Graduate School ($400)      



2022               Awarded, Traveling Jam Pot Fund, ASECS

2019                Runner-up, Traveling Jam Pot Fund, ASECS      



Konkuk University, Seoul (2009-2012)

2010-12             Dean’s List of Distinguished Student            

2009-12          President’s Special Honorary Undergraduate Student


TEACHING EXPERIENCE                                                                              


The University of Texas at Tyler

2022-Present   Department of Literature and Language

                        ENGL4373/5362 World Literature

                        ENGL4360/5370 Public Writing with Technology

                        ENGL4374 Text, Tech, and Humanities

                        ENGL1301 College Composition

                        ENGL1200 College Composition                                                                             


Michigan State University                                                                                                                 

2020-21           Department of English

ENG323 Women Writers (online asynchronous), Summer 2020*

ENG280 Intro to Literary Theory (online synchronous), Spring 2021

ENG210 Intro to Literary Studies (online synchronous), Fall 2020

2018-19           Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Culture

WRA101 First-Year Writing (in-person), Fall 2018-Spring 2019


* Cross-listed with Women’s and Gender & Sexuality Studies


Teaching Assistant

Michigan State University                                                                                                                 

2016-19           Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities

IAH202 Europe and the World (hybrid), Summer 2019

IAH209 Art, the Visual & Culture: “Dangerous Art” (in-person), Spring 2018

IAH207 Literature, Cultures, Identities: “‘Race’ and ‘Culture’ in the US” (in-

person), Fall 2017

IAH241E Art, History, Film: “Art, Artists, and the Movies” (in-person), Spring


IAH241E Creative Processes: “Authenticity” (hybrid), Fall 2016


Guest Lectures

Michigan State University                                                                                                                 

2018                “Jane Austen, Persuasion, and Concussion,” for an upper-level course in the

department of English, Psychology and Literature of Dr. Natalie Phillips,


“Sympathy & Narcissism: Hypochondria and Head Injury,” for an upper-level

course in the department of English, Psychology and Literature of Dr. Natalie

Phillips, 2018.

“Representation and Politics of Art in Persepolis: The Question of Graphic

Novel,” for a 200-level general humanities course in the department of

Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities, Art, the Visual & Culture of

Dr. Steve Deng, 2018.

2016                “Polyhymnes: Reality and Creativity,” for a 200-level general humanities course

in the department of Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities, Creative

Processes of Dr. Henry Gordon, 2016.


Konkuk University, Seoul                                                                                                                  

2016                 “Identity and Poetry: Discontinuous Personas and Emily Dickinson,” for senior seminar in the department of English Literature and Language, Foundations of Poetry of Dr. Hyun-Sook Huh, 2016.




2022-               “‘Late Styles’: Examining The Association Between Old Age and the Change of Styles in Poetry Through Coh-Metrix.”

                                A collaborative study that examines the concept of “late style” that is often used to describe works of art and literature produced in the artists’ later life. This study uses Coh-Metrix, a web-based software system that analyzes linguistic traits, in order to examine the existence of distinctive linguistic styles of old age. With a team of researchers led by cognitive psychologist Dr. Moongee Jeon at Konkuk University Seoul, in South Korea, the study brings together literary historian and traditional textual analysis technique with computational methods of corpus linguistics. This study will analyze a series of poems written by Jonathan Swift, an eighteenth-century writer who scholars retrospectively diagnose with a type of Alzheimer’s Disease. The goals with this project are twofold: 1) to address and find answers to broader questions about the relationship between old age and virtuosity and 2) to call attention to the impulse to generalize creative works under a homogenous framework of old age that continues to persist in the intellectual landscape of the twenty-first century.


2019-Present   “Assessing the Development of Critical Science Literacy and Responsible Scientific Identity Through a First-Year Writing Course for STEM Undergraduates.”

                                Working as a fellow conducting two main projects: 1. Curriculum design: developing a college-wide first-year writing program for STEM undergraduates with five collaborative writing projects and weekly guest speaker series intended to foster critical scientific literacy and an understanding of science as culturally situated, 2. Student development: assessing students’ sense of belonging and student development in writing skills through a formative and summative assessment analysis of student writings, reflection papers, and pre-/post-survey. First essay will be submitted to Engage STS by the end of Spring 2022. Funded by Scholarship for Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, MSU Graduate School, IRB approved (2020-present). In collaboration with Dr. Marisa Brandt.


2016-Present    “Monster Map: Spatial Representation of Gendered ‘Monsters.”    

                                A digital humanities project that investigates the correlation between gender of “monster” characters and their spatial representation in literature. Using ArcGIS, an online geographic information server software that visualizes and analyzes geographical and spatial information, this project maps, visualizes, and analyzes locations of monster sightings, the distance travelled, and the movements of the monsters. Through humanities-based computational method, this project explores 1) the monsters’ spatial representation, 2) the relation between the level of monstrosity and their spatial representation, and 3) the role of gender for the monsters’ geographical representation. The project developed a rubric for “the monstrosity level” as well as “the sympathy scale” by using textual analysis and humanities-based computation coding. The corpus data consists of a total of thirty monster characters from eighteenth-century to nineteenth-century gothic and horror literature including the creature (Frankenstein, Shelley), Dracula (Dracula, Stoker), Arab (The Beetle, Marsh), and Lois (“Lois the Witch,” Gaskell). The spatial data analysis demonstrates a highly gendered pattern in characters’ average distance traveled and level of monstrosity. For instance, female monsters/ghosts demonstrate about only tenth of the distance travelled than male monsters with higher level of monstrosity. Conducted in collaboration with three undergraduate students and developed further individually. Advised by Dr. Ellen McCallum and Ed Schools. Currently in the process of converting data for public access through Esri ArcGIS Storymap.


2019-20           Digital Humanities Research Assistant

                               Worked as part of Humanities Commons and MSU Commons Rollout Team. Primary duties involved working for Dr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick. Recruited to continue work during summer. In charge of user enrollment management and CORE deposit management; collaborated in the Community Engagement Project, “MSU Commons for Educators”; collaborated in Global Digital Humanities Symposium Documentation Project for COVID-19.


2018, 2019      Accessibility Art Exhibit

                               An interdisciplinary community-based public-outreach project. In collaboration with Digital Humanities & Literary Cognition Lab and ArtLab on MSU. In 2018, worked to create one accessible art piece based on an analysis of multiple sensory metaphors of a scene in the graphic novel Hellblazer (1988) (“Sense of Self: Accessible Art and Disability Studies”). In 2019, advised three undergraduate students from my composition class to create, display, and analyze art pieces for the exhibit (“Everyday: For Disability and Autism”). All the art installations were accessible and inclusive—i.e., touchable, with braille descriptions, displayed in a low-light noise-cancelled atmosphere that was previously mapped out online—for various groups of community audiences including people with disabilities, autism, visual impairment, and children.


2019                 Digital Presence and Public Scholarship Fellows Program, University Outreach and Engagement, College of Arts and Letters, MSU

An eight-week outreach program focusing on developing online presence and engaging in public scholarship. One of twelve selected students and faculty.




SERVICE AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY                                                   

North American Network in Aging Studies

2021-2022       Committee member, Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Task Force

2020-2022       Student member, Governing Council


Michigan State University                                                                                                                 

2021-22           Coordinator, Writing, Pedagogy, and Technology Workshop

2020-21           Member, Digital Humanities Pedagogy Learning Community

                        Member, Graduate Student Writing Group for Writing in Discipline

2019-20           Mentor, Peer Pedagogy Group

2019                Collaborator, Accessibility Art Exhibit: “Everyday: For Disability and Autism,”

ArtLab (Collaborated with Digital Humanities & Literary Cognition Lab)

2018-19           Vice Present, Association of English Graduate Students

2018                Artist, Accessibility Art Exhibit: “Sense of Self: Accessible Art and Disability

Studies,” Eli and Broad Museum (Collaborated with Digital Humanities & Literary Cognition Lab)

                        Collaborator, “The 1984 Project: An interdisciplinary work for the gallery of a

dramatic adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984,” (Collaborated with Williamston Theatre, MI)

                        Evaluator, Humanities and Performing Arts, University Undergraduate Research

and Arts Forum

                        Organizer, Fall Fundraiser for Association of English Graduate Student


Korean Society of Eighteenth-Century English Literature, Seoul

2013                Member of Organizing Team, Annual Conference of Korean Society of

                               Eighteenth-Century English Literature




2022                Oh, June. “Open Access for Teachers: A Reflection from a New Hire,” Humanities Commons Blog/Cross-posted at H-Net; https://team.hcommons.org/2022/11/05/open-access-for-teachers/

                        Oh, June. “The Thing about Gowland’s Lotion with Dr. June Oh,” Podcast, The Thing About Jane.apple.co/3JgtTrg

                        Oh, June. “Learning ‘Cultures’ in Science Through Writing,” MSU Graduate Research Podcast, The Sci-Files. impact89fm.org/111331/podcasts/the-sci-files-04-17-2022-june-oh-learning-cultures-in-science-through-writing/

2021                Oh, June. “Humanities Commons for International Students and Scholars,” Humanities Commons Blog, https://team.hcommons.org/2021/12/27/humanities-commons-for-international-students-and-scholars/



2022                Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate, MSU

                        Certification in College Teaching, MSU

2020                IRB Training (Human Research Projection; HRPP/IRB), MSU

2018                QuILL (Queer Inclusive Learning and Leadership), MSU      



PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS                                                                  

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

North American Network in Aging Studies

British Society for Literature and Science

Modern Language Association

National Women’s Studies Association



LANGUAGES / SKILLS                                                                                 

English, Korean, D2L (Learning Management System; advanced), Google Classroom (advanced), Qualtrics (cloud-based platform for creating and distributing surveys; advanced), COmanage (Access platform architecture to manage user registry; advanced)