Paul Streufert

Paul D. Streufert

Professor of English and Director of Honors Program

Phone: 903.565.5823
Building:   UC 3112
Department: Literature And Languages


  • Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Purdue University, 2001
  • M.A. in Classics, Texas Tech University, 1995
  • B.A. in Classics, cum laude, Valparaiso University, 1993


Scene from Euripides’s Trojan Women, translated by Paul Streufert, performed at George Fox University, November 2004

Paul D. Streufert, Associate Professor of Literature and Languages, specializes in Classical literature and the use of Classical Literature in later works. Other research interests include Early Modern and Twentieth-Century dramatic literature as well as semiotics. He has published articles on Euripides, the use of ghost characters in Aeschylus and Shakespeare, and Sam Shepard’s film Silent Tongue. He has an article forthcoming in MLA Approaches to Teaching the Graphic Novel (ed. Stephen Tabachnick) on Frank Miller’s graphic novel 300, as well as a collection of essays entitled Early Modern Academic Drama with co-editor Jonathan Walker, to be published by Ashgate in 2008.

In addition to his traditional scholarship on Greek Tragedy, Dr. Streufert has translated three plays of Euripides for performance. His text of Trojan Women—which earned an honorary ACTF award for writing—was performed at George Fox University in November 2004 under the direction of Rhett Luedtke. The following summer, Old Soul Productions and director Chris Taylor produced his script of Iphigenia at Aulis in Tyler, Texas.

With the help of Dr. Scherb and the support of UT-Tyler’s Center for Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (CCMRS), Dr. Streufert created UT-Tyler’s Latin program which offers a five-course Latin sequence (LATN 1301, 1302, 2301, 2302, and 3305) as well as an interdisciplinary minor in Classical Studies.

In addition to the Latin program, he has taught a wide range of Literature courses, including World Literature Survey I and II (Pre-Renaissance and Post-Renaissance), Studies in World Literature, Classical Literature in Translation, Senior Seminar, and a special topics course on “Ghost Plays.” Favorite authors Dr. Streufert routinely covers in class include Homer, Euripides, Catullus, Shakespeare, Nikos Kazantzakis, Umberto Eco, and Sam Shepard.

Selected Publications:

Early Modern Academic Drama, ed. Jonathan Walker and Paul D. Streufert. Ashgate Publishing, 2009.

“Visualizing the Classics: Frank Miller’s 300 in a World Literature Course.” Options of Teaching the Graphic Novel. Ed. Stephen Tabachnick. New York: Modern Language Association, 2009. 208-14.

“Was Euripides a Misogynist? Introduction, Pro and Con.” History in Dispute: Ancient World. Eds. Paul Allen Miller and Charles Platter. Farmington Hills: St. James, 2005. 106–113.

“Spectral Others: Theatrical Ghosts as the Negotiation of Alterity in Aeschylus and Shakespeare.” Intertexts 8.1 (Spring 2004): 77–93.

“The Liar, The Forger, The Actor: The Idea of Author in Eco’s Rose and Island.” Romance Languages Annual 11 (1999): 380–84.

Curriculum Vitae